A stand-alone millionaire.

Yun Meiyi frowned at his words. Every time she hears him say anything, she oddly finds him confident. And his confidence at this point was doing nothing but infuriating her. Standing up on her feet, she was ready to challenge his confidence, but just at that time, she felt someone else calling her, shaking her out from the land.

"YiYi, are you even hearing me? YiYi? I am back, open your eyes and see me. YiYi?"

Frowning, Yun Meiyi wanted to shake that caller away, but he or she seemed very persistent in her ways. In the end, Yun Meiyi had to give in.

Wrinkling her brows, her hands went up to shield her eyes against the lights that were cruelly striking her sleep. "Why are you getting so worked up early in the morning, Si Si?" She said, her voice sounding all lazy from the sleep.

As if really anxious, the moment Liu Si Si heard Yun Meiyi's voice, she heaved a deep breath to ease her tensed nerves. "YiYi, you almost got me worried. Do you know how scared I was, finding you lying here like this?" She said and her voice still held the lingering hints of stress that she was feeling inside.

Not missing that slight hint in her tone, Yun Meiyi pressed her lips and slowly opened her eyes, only to find the beautiful yet worried face of her friend, who was curiously blinking her big brown eyes at her. Her face still looked the same as she once had in her memories. It was just that her hair looked a bit different. It looked like she had dyed it in the shade of ash-brown.

"Did you dye your hair?" Yun Meiyi opened her lips to ask the very first thing. And hearing her ask that, for a moment Liu Si Si lost track of her initial thoughts.

Reaching out to touch her hair, she nodded, "Yes, my previous movie required this shade. Furthermore, I personally preferred it, so I dyed my hair. Is it not looking good?"

Yun Meiyi gave one more glance towards her hair, this time with a clearer gaze, and then nodded. "It's suiting your personality." She spoke before getting up to straighten her posture on the floor.

Liu Si Si smiled and was ready to add a few more words to boast about her hair color, but just then she realized the thing that she has missed in between. So, shaking her head the next moment, she pouted to say, "YiYi, this is not the topic we began from? First, tell me why are you sleeping here like this? Do you think this is the place where one should sleep? On the floor?"

She asked and Yun Meiyi looked around. Of course, she didn't have the idea when she passed out last night. She just remembered the moment she entered the place, the unfamiliarity of the surroundings made her remember everything that was worth forgetting.

"Umm … yesterday, when I came here, I was really tired. I thought about sitting here to relax for a while but never knew that I would end up sleeping here. But it's okay, I didn't have a bad sleep. After having a bad night, the sleep here was at least very comfortable. Believe me." Not in the mood to elaborate anything, Yun Meiyi kept it short.

But Liu Si Si was also not the one to lack knowledge, especially when half of the city knew it well already. Reaching out to tug the strand of hair behind her ear, she said in a very soft, assuring tone. "YiYi, do you think I won't believe you? If not you, who would I believe in this world? You are my best friend. It's just that I am upset."


Liu Si Si looked at Meiyi and nodded, "Yes, upset. I can't stand seeing you getting bullied like this. What gave Yun Jiaqi the confidence to stand against you? Did she really feel that she is capable? Apart from having the skin of a chameleon, she is good at nothing." She said and at her words like that, Yun Meyi couldn't help but smile.

Since she was yet to recover from her emotional pain, the smile that appeared on her face didn't reach her eyes. But still, the beginning of the day with a small smile was also not bad.

"Is that so? Should I be happy with your praise then?" Yun Meiyi asked and Liu Si Si at once made a face as if she was offended.

"What praise? I am not praising you. I am just stating the truth. Is it that hard for you to believe in them? Do you think I would lie to you?"

Yun Meiyi looked at her friend and then pressing her lips, she shook her head. But it didn't look satisfying enough to Liu Si Si so, she added, "Wait since you don't believe me. Let me help you count it." As she said, she raised her hand and counted on her fingers to say, "First, you have been the best in academics, both in school and also in university, while she has just been a second-grader. Where you have taken awards in most of the curricular activities back in time, she has been just there famous for her looks. And even in that, she would have failed if you would have put on some air."

"You have mastered several degrees without coming to anyone's knowledge, while she has just stood there garnering all the attention with just one passing graduation certificate. Where you have become a stand-alone millionaire at such a young age, she is still feeding and working on the monthly pocket money offered to her by your family. Do you still think that she is better than you? If yes, then add me to the list. You are also my Boss. With just me alone on your side, I am sure no one could match you."

"Also, in the stated list, I have yet to add your background and other things. With that whole, I can bet that no woman in the high society would stand a chance in front of you." She said and Yun Meiyi simply stared at her pursing her lips.

How did she even remember all that when all this while even she had forgotten what she had achieved in all these years?