Power to stop Azrael.

Yun Meiyi didn't turn to look back, rather just stared at the man in front of her. She need not see to tell which two pairs of eyes must be staring at her.

Pondering over the man's words for a while, she agreed to his suggestion. So, nodding to him through her gaze, she opened the back seat of the car before stuffing her luggage into it, and then walking to the other side, she got into the passenger seat.

"Let's go." She said and the man didn't take another moment before starting the engine.

While back in the Yun Mansion, Lin Su Yi and Yun Jiaqi stood at the window as they stared at the black Bentley driving away.

"Ma, did you see that? He was the man from the other night. Meiyi is not alone anymore. He must be backing her up and giving her confidence." Yun Jiaqi said and Lin Su Yi's expression turned cold.

"How dare she? All these years she kept a man behind our back. Did she not fear that if the Su family knew about this how they would look at us in the future? How audacious!" Although Lin Su Yi said it like that, she was not just concerned for the Yun family's reputation or the Su family; her main concern was the man who was sitting behind the limited-edition black Bentley Mulsanne.

She wasn't able to see who it was actually but her gaze did catch a small glimpse of his eyes that almost burnt her. Who was he? She couldn't be sure but just the sight of that car could tell that his family's reputation couldn't be less than what Yun family holds in Qing city.

"Ma, do you really have to think about that right now? We needed to keep Meiyi here but she has already gone. Now, what should we do? If Dad comes back, what would we be telling him? Why did Yun Meiyi leave home?" Yun Jiaqi had her own matters to get scared of.

While the mother and daughter pair were contemplating things for their own benefit, there was also another pair of eyes that had seen Yun Meiyi leaving in the car of some stranger.


On the other hand, after driving a distance, Yun Meiyi interrupted the silence that had been there from the moment she entered the car. "Please stop the car." She said and just as she asked, the car took a turn at the corner and halted at a place where there was no one around.

Yun Meiyi turned to look at him and his attractive side profile with chiseled jaws came into her side. That sight would have made any woman weak, but she just took a deep breath in and composed herself as if she wasn't affected by it.

"Now, are you going to tell me what it is about?" She asked and the man slowly turned to look at her with his brows arched at her in slight confusion.

"You have a lot to ask. Which one should I answer first?" He asked and Yun Meiyi was once again stunned at his level of confidence. His words came out as if he knew her too well and also knew all the questions she held in her heart.

And that was enough to trigger her. But she looked away from him and held back the infuriation she felt inside. It was not like he did something that annoyed her. Rather the reason for her irritation was just her inability to read his thoughts when he could read hers so easily.

Taking a deep drag of breath inside, she calmed herself first. Then turning to look at him with a new light in her eyes, she smiled at him to say, "Since you have helped me again today, I allow you to present your matter first. And about the matters that I want to ask you, I will do that after you. How about that?"

She said and the man stared at her intently as if he was quite amused at her words. But then slightly curling his lips on the corner, he said, "Will you marry me if in exchange I assure you to give a few extra years of life?"

"What?" Yun Meiyi didn't understand. Her brows tugged in a frown as she stared at him as if he was some crazy who has come from some other part of the world. She wasn't surprised that he knew about her upcoming death but what surprised her was his offer.

How could he offer such a thing that couldn't be in any human's hand? Although she was not sure of the poison she had in her body. But with the confidence with which Yun Jiaqi had revealed it to her, she was sure that there would be no cure for it.

"Marry me, and I promised to give you extra years of life." He said it again and his repetition of words only infuriated Yun Meiyi more.

The smallest hope of life was more than enough to revive the dying person. But at the same time, a false hope was nothing but a clear insult on their face. And right at that moment, Yun Meiyi was feeling no less.

Her eyes saw red as clenching her jaws she asked, "Why? Do you have a cure for the poison given to my body?"

The man shook his head. "Nope, but I have the power to stop Azrael from reaching you." He said, and once again his words dripped with confidence that was tough for Yun Meiyi to understand.

Azrael? It took some while for her to understand what that name meant but when she did, she pinched the space between her brows and closed her eyes. Suddenly all the vexation she felt in her heart started feeling meaningless.

Shaking her head to herself, she said, "I think you can drop me off here. I will go back to my place on my own. Thank you for the ride up till here. But my answer won't change, I am not marrying you." She said and then pressing a smile over her lip, she turned to push open the car to step out.

But the doors were locked. What does that mean? Was he trapping her?

She scowled and looked back at him only to find him sitting there with ease. "This …"

Before she could say anything, he interjected her words to say, "I can understand that it's hard for a human like you to believe me. But I am not giving you any false hope. What I said, I can give it to you. You just have to believe me and agree to marry me."

He said, and Yun Meiyi pursed her lips. "Believe what? That you are the Prince of Darkness, the Devil of this World?" She asked and the man nodded bullishly. To which she further continued, "Even the most insane person of this world would not buy that. I still have a brain that's working properly."

She said and the man's expression turned all cold. He looked as if he was offended, but Yun Meiyi didn't care. Keeping her stance with determination, she said, "Now, if you are done. Open the door. I want to leave."

The man didn't budge, instead he asked, "What would make you believe that I am what I say?"