Getting ready for some good face slaps.

At her high-pitched surprised tone like that, Yun Meiyi turned to look up at her and frowned slightly. "Global Heights, Si Si. I asked you to do some research before investing in it. You are putting your savings into it. You should learn its working pattern and profile to know that you won't be losing the money you are putting into it."

She said, not understanding what she said wrong. But Liu Si Si could no longer hold her calm at her words. Her concern was not about researching the company before investing but about the company itself. She could simply not believe that she heard no other name but 'Global Heights'.

How can that be a coincidence?

Global Heights has not been a too aged investment firm. It was small company without any doubt but the achievements it has achieved in the short span of time were enough to put it on par with various aged investment companies working in the market.

How could Yi Yi talk about it so easily?

"Yi Yi, Golden Heights has been your company all this while, how can you talk about it so easily? Are you not aware of its achievements or are you just being modest?" She asked, sitting back beside her while tugging her brows with concern.

Yun Meiyi shook her head and went back to check her emails. "Si Si, it's my company and I know about it; that's why I am talking easily about it. If it had been of others, why would I bother to comment on it? As for the achievements, Xiao Xiao has been keeping me updated but I have yet to know about them in detail. She would be soon sending the files here for me to read."

She said and Liu Si Si could only blink at her words. Although it was still hard to believe since she had said it so, she could only choose to believe her.

"Yi Yi, I don't know if you have known it or not but let me brief you about what I know about Global Heights. That company appeared from nowhere and soon took over the market powerfully. People in the same stream became wary thinking that it might turn into a big whale and swallow down all the small fishes in the stream, but soon they come to realize that the boss of the company has no such intention. It has been working solely to earn profit while at the same time, it has been contributing well to society. The current net worth of the company is …" She paused, getting confused about the figures but then leaned to grab a phone to search for it and said, "The current net worth of the company is $142 billion."

She said and hearing her all patiently, Yun Mein nodded to the side while her eyes read the files on her phone. "Thanks for the information, Si Si. I will keep that in mind from now on. But you should go and freshen up first. Xiao Xiao would be coming later. You won't want her to see you with drool on your face."

She said, and Liu Si Si at once reached to wipe the corner of her lips. "There is no drool. If you want to shoo me away, you can tell me straight away. Why do you have to make such lame jokes?"

Yun Meiyi turned to look up at her and chuckled. "I am not shoving you away. I just want you to be ready. Once Xiao Xiao comes here, we would have to leave." She said and Si Si paused at her words.

Jutting her brows together she asked, "Are we going somewhere?"

"Mhm. you have commitments to fulfill. Even if your manager is dismissed, you are still an artist under Feathering Heights. I can't let the problem stay for long. So, we will go and deal with the things in the company personally." Yun Meiyi explained and Liu Si Si nodded to her in understanding.

"Oh, okay, I will go and get ready then." She said as standing up she was about to leave but then suddenly pausing in her steps, she said, "Wait, I am not going to the States again. As for the commitments there. That's definitely not my responsibility. Wang Ping Ruo wanted them, but when she sensed that it was not worth it, she asked Cheng Juan to push me into it. I am not going back."

Yun Meiyi pursed her lips and then shook her head. "Si Si, don't you believe me? Do you think I will let you get wrong in front of me?"

"Nope, you would never." Liu Si Si might not be confident in herself, but she was too much confident in her Yi Yi. And she knew no matter what happens in this world since Meiyi has once accepted her, she won't ever abandon her. Even if the world is put in chaos.

"Then go and get ready. Don't think of the rest. If it's the responsibility of Wang Ping Ruo, then she would have to fulfill it. But you can't stay back here and hide. You have a career to improve. So, work for it. For the rest, leave it to me." She said and Liu Si Si's gaze lingered on Meiyi.

When Yun Meiyi didn't see her moving for quite a good time, she asked, "What? Now, why are you staring at me like that?"

Liu Si Si shook her head in nothingness. "Nothing special, Yi Yi. I am just feeling a bit extra sympathetic for Wang Ping Ruo. She is going to be quite pitiful today."

"You want me to change my plans?" Yun Meiyi raised her brows to ask and Liu Si Si at once shook her head. "Definitely not. I am going to get ready to enjoy the major face slap coming. It would be fun to watch. I couldn't dare to miss it in any way." She said, waving her hands in goodbye, without wasting any unnecessary time in the living room anymore.

Behind, Yun Meiyi could only shake her head before returning back to her phone.