You can't go with stranger at night.

Yun Meiyi looked least bothered. Taking a deep breath in, she asked, "Aren't we locked here? What can we do other than waiting?" She said and the man looked at her as if he still couldn't understand. 

"Will anyone come to open the door then?" He asked and giving serious thought, Yun Meiyi nodded. 

"Definitely. After all, as far as I have come to know Cheng Juan, she is not a person who would wait for longer. She would send people to check here sooner than we expect." She said, and it didn't take long for Li Teng to understand which people she was talking about. 

His expression turned grim. "Do you want to wait and make a scandal now? Do you really not care about your reputation? Meiyi, you are a woman. How can you not care for your reputation?" 

Li Teng said in a chiding tone and Yun Meiyi simply pressed her lips in a thin line. "You think I don't care?" She asked and then the man felt like biting his own words.