Always be with me.

The next morning, Yun Meiyi woke up without any hint of exhaustion that she had last night. Stretching her limbs, she sat on the bed for a moment before proceeding to do her remaining work.

When done, she came out of the room with a thought to prepare the breakfast. But she blinked her eyes in surprise when coming out of the room she found everything ready on the table with no one around.

What was happening?

"Si Si!" She called out, thinking that the girl might be near. But even after looking around everywhere, the girl was nowhere in sight.

Her brows tugged in a frown when she couldn't find her even in her bedroom. With Liu Si Si's habit, it was still too early to wake up. Then why was she not in her room, sleeping?

Infact, what shocked her more was the state of bed. It looked all creaseless as if the whole night no one was sleeping there.