Won’t kill the joy.

Yun Meiyi's fingers curled into a fist while her eyes narrowed at the man. "Even if this is not the first meeting, this will be the first time of me identifying the real you." 

She said and Kuang Tianshi laughed out a mere chuckle. Tucking his hands inside the pocket, he walked more into the light, "No doubt the Prince is so interested in you. You are an interesting human." 

He said, giving one of his prettiest pure smiles. And that smile didn't waver Yun Meiyi's heart rather made her fists grow tighter. "Who are you and what do you want?" 

Although after getting entangled with the Devil she had already made herself understand that the world around her will change and will have species that she has only read in books, still when it was actually coming to her now, the feeling of intrusion is just creeping her out.