How do you know Kuang Tianshi?

The next day, Yun Meiyi was in great spirits. Waking up in the morning, she took her time in preparing breakfast before going to call Liu Si Si for it. 

Liu Si Si woke up and freshening up, she took the seat at the table. Unlike her usual being she was rather quiet today. Yun Meiyi knew the reason for it, but she didn't make any attempt to bring it up, knowing that it will only embarrass the girl and remind her of the things. 

But Liu Si Si didn't think the same. She has not told Yun Meiyi about the things before because she didn't want to worry for her, but now that the things has already come to her knowledge, she doesn't want to hide it from her. Furthermore, there was nothing to hide. She was moving on and last night what she did was a process of it. 

Silently having her food, she looked up at Yun Meiyi through hooded brows, "Yi Yi, are you mad at me?"