Way to Hell.

Yun Meiyi's eyes widened in shock. Was she doing something wrong to herself? Was she being greedy for the reward that she was being offered in exchange? 

To be honest, at this point, to her, her decision seemed reckless. Her life was already limited, yet she was putting it on stake with such ease. 

Trying to pull her hands, she tried to step back. But she couldn't. Lu Xifu's hold on her was firmer than she expected. 

"I … I don't think this is …" Before she could complete, her words paused seeing him shake his head. 

"The rules won't be the same for you. You will be going with me." He said but Yun Meiyi couldn't bring herself to believe him at once. 

Who would believe? Just a moment before he was speaking how people get trapped there and how no mercy is there in their rulebook. And now he was saying that the rules were different for her.