Sharing the room together.

Yun Meiyi looked at the mirror as she combed off her hair. The demon maids suggested helping her with that, but letting others do it for her was something she never thought of. So, she dismissed them politely and got back to get it done by herself. 

She stared at herself in the mirror. Although she never thought of colouring her hair, still the hue of golden in the midst of her raven black hair looked beautiful. The comb glided through her hair, unfolding the locks, one after the other. The day was tiring, but she wasn't disappointed by it. The only fact that brought her nervous nerves aching back was her groom. 

But now that her groom has successfully become her husband, then that hesitating never can coolly hibernate until her death. Because nothing can change history now. There was no use of crying over the spilt milk. Liu Si Si has always said that.