Plum, worth staking the life.

"I never believed that you, out of everyone, will ever get bewitched. But you surprised me, Xifu. You did. But tell me something, is the bewitchment really worth sacrificing that ring?" Lilith condemned; her eyes sharp enough to pierce one's soul. 

But Lu Xifu stayed nonchalant to her outburst. As if her taunt didn't itch him even a bit, he coolly stared at her as if waiting for her to finish all that she had brought to him on the platter. 

His silence like that only deepened the annoyance in Lilith's heart. Not able to take it for long, she spoke with irritation, ""What? Are you not going to explain your actions?"

Amusement filled amid the sarcastic smile of Lu Xifu. Pointed at himself with a finger, he asked, "Oh, you wanted me to explain? I expected better from you, given the span you have lived in this universe. Also, not to forget you hold the title of being the first woman in the universe. If not you, it couldn't be better understood by anyone else."