Awakening (2)

I stood in line waiting patiently for the ceremony to begin, while the people standing behind me continued to increase.

Soon the ceremony began with the President beginning his speech.

"Welcome everyone to the 36th System Awakening. We'll have the ones that are awakening walk up to the awakening stone to awaken their system in single file line." The vice president said with a smile, while gesturing for the ceremony to begin.

"Number 1".

Soon, the first person in line walked up to the awakening stone and pressed his hand against it. Once his hand was pressed against it, it lit up and began calculating the system he was given.

A holographic screen appeared above the awakening stone which displayed:

[Searching for Innate System]

[No innate system found]

[Granting User A Normal System]

[Host has acquired the Fire Element System]

Systems are classified as Normal Tier, Innate Tier, Star Tier, World Tier, and Universe Tier, which are then split up into 4 tiers, with tier 1 being common elements, such as fire, water, earth, lightning, wind, and tier 2 being rarer elements, such as light, dark, shadow, night, day, sky, weather or dual elements, as for tier 3 being gravity, space, sun, moon and or triple elements, as for tier 4 it is speculated to be in the World Tier or Universe Tier Systems, which No one has acquired so far.

After he awakened his system, the awakening stone dimmed, showing that his awakening was over, so he walked away with a smile, while the crowd cast him off as a normal person.

"Number 2".

The next person came and pressed her hand against the awakening stone, which once again lit up and a holographic screen that displayed:

[Searching for Innate System]

[Granting User an Innate System]

[Host has acquired the Ice Blizzard System]

"13, Dark Element System".

"56, Earth Element System".

"120, Fire Storm System

"190, Lightning Element System

"270, Metal Element System

"Number 271".

A tall and bulky young teen walked up to the awakening stone and pressed his hand against it, which once again lit up.

[Searching for Innate System]

[Granting User an Innate System]

[Host has acquired the Lava Storm System]

The bulky man was proud of awakening his system, but that still was only a tier 2 innate system, which was rare but everyone was looking for what the real talented people got.

"Number 272".

A girl with a slender figure, large bosom, black hair, wearing a red seductive dress, and blue eyes walked up to the awakening stone and did the same process.

"What family is she from?" A person in the audience asked another person.

"I don't know." The person said while looking at the girl at the awakening stone.

Murmur! murmur!

People began talking to each other, trying to figure out her identity, but no one could until someone shouted it out.

"Isn't that the Smith Families Mistress, Victoria Smith?" Someone shouted out with a curious expression.

"It must be." Another person shouted out

Soon, the holographic screen showed up, which made everyone shut up.

[Searching for Innate System]

[no Innate system found]

[Searching for a Star System]

[Star System Found]

[Host has acquired the Fire Star System]

"She actually obtained a Star System." A person in the crowd cried in shock.

The rest of the crowd became shocked since a Star tier system was very rare, which showed how talented the Mistress of the Smith Family is.

"Calm down everyone, we're going on to the next one." The Vice President was able to calm the crowd down, which showed how influential he is to the people.

"Number 273 Water Element System".

"305 Lightning Element System".

"367 Mist Element System".

401 Weather Storm System".

"423 Fire Cyclone System".

"Number 431".

I was finally called down, so I walked up to the awakening stone and pressed my hand against it.

(Origin Goddess's Realm)

A woman sitting on a comfy sofa was watching the system awakening ceremony through her holographic TV she made.

She was a beautiful young woman with an elegant and slender figure, a large bosom, and black hair which went down her back. She wore a pitch-black seductive dress, a beautiful face and red eyes.

"Do you think we should gift Alex a good system, instead of having him waste his talent on a normal tier system, big sis?" Leilani asked the other goddess next to her.

The goddess next to her was a beautiful young woman with an elegant and slender figure, a large bosom, and white hair which went down to her butt. She wore a pure white seductive dress, a beautiful face and red eyes.

"Sure, little sis, let's give him the Universe Tier System we created." Nevaeh said with a grin.

"Even though you're my big sis, you sometimes act younger than me, but yeah let's do that, it'll be fun." Leilani said with a smile.

"You also sometimes act like a child." Nevaeh said with a pout.

(Back to Alex's POV, Earth)

Once I pressed my hand on the awakening stone, it lit up like usual and began to display the holographic screen.

[Searching for Innate System]

[No innate system found]

[Granting User A Normal System]


[Ding! Two powerful goddesses have granted you a system]

[Host has acquired the World Traveling System]

[Host is the first one to receive a Universe Tier System]

[Giving Rewards]

[Rewards will appear in Host's Status]

[Host will be transported to God Space]

Light began to enshroud me, which soon became a blinding light, causing me to have to close my eyes, so I wouldn't go blind.

After Alex teleported, the crowd went quiet with everyone shocked, since Alex awakened a system two tiers higher than anyone else could ever have.

[Host Alex will be transported back to Earth in three years. If he isn't transported to this spot at that time, then he will be presumed dead or has failed the quest]

Alex's Aunt and Uncle were at first happy for their nephew, but once they read the message displayed by the system they were very worried about him.

several people were murmuring about him obtaining this system with others being shocked. until someone shouted.

"Why does someone who isn't related to an influential family receive the highest tier system?" A Howard family member expressed dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, how come he gets the highest tier system?" The Silvermans expressed their discontent.

Many other powerful families agreed with the Howards' statements, as did some ordinary families.

"Enough, Alex was transported away. Let's finish the awakening ceremony." The Vice President quickly came out of his shocked expression.

Soon the rest of the awakening ceremony went by without anyone receiving a system even close to Alex's awakening, but there were 2 more talented families who received a Star tier system.

However, they were no longer aware of Alex's existence, since he had vanished from their lives.