
"You should get an opportunity to kill the princess, just like I taught you, don't do it when anyone is present." Amia whispered something into my ear and blew it out to make me blush.

"hya~mother not right now." I said with a blush.

"The princess has such a cute and beautiful voice." A succubus across the table said.

"She is very cute." One Succubus expressed her thoughts.

"She's so adorable that I wish I could have sex with her." I Succubus said, desiring to have sex me.

"See what you done, mother," I said, pouting.

"They say that because you're so cute." Amia stated as she increased her caressing and teasing.


I moaned since I couldn't take it any longer, which made everyone at my table think I was incredibly cute.

"Sister, it seems that your daughter has come, and she is beautiful." As she walked in, Asmodeus said.

She resembled my mother in appearance, with the exception that she appeared younger but was actually older, and her curves and breasts were more flawless than my mother's.

Asmodeus entered with her daughter, who resembled her in every way except for the fact that she always wore a sadistic but seductive smile on her face.

I sat on Amia's left, while Asmodeus and Amia sat next to each other, and the princess of lust sat to Asmodeus' right.

"By now, you should all understand why I summoned you all here, so let me begin by having Orsea provide an update on the border situation." With a smile, Asmodeus said.

"Yes, Empress." Orsea said as she rose and bowed before conjuring a map of what seemed to be the boundary with dream magic.

"Over the years, the Incubus's have gained more men and power overseas because they don't have us killing them, which keeps their numbers down, but they are now making their way here to our continent and will arrive in approximately 7 days." Orsea said.

"So, in the coming days, we'll be preparing for this war, with the eventual objective of entirely eradicating the incubus so they don't stage another rebellion in the future." Orsea explained as she demonstrated the incubus base.

"What are the numbers and levels we'll be dealing with?" With a puzzled gaze, a succubus inquired.

"We're expecting to face about 10,000 incubus, but they also discovered a way to tame some of the monsters, which adds another 30 thousand, for a total of 40 thousand duchess and royal rank enemies." Orsea said.

"Can you tell me what are numbers?" With a curious look, a succubus inquired.

"We have about 35 thousand succubus and 2,500 Royal Tier monsters under our command, but we have more experience, so we'll have an advantage against them." Orsea said.

"Do you think we could increase our numbers by enlisting and training some of the Succubus who live in this empire?" With a puzzled gaze, a Succubus inquired.

"Enlisting them will result in more losses since they lack combat experience and are below duchess tier, which would be suicide for them since they can't fight on par with a duchess tier without hundreds of years of training, which we don't have time for." Orsea said.

"Makes sense, but is there anything else we can do beside preparations?" The succubus asked with a smile.

"Not that I can think of." Orsea said.

"We can do something to counter the numbers of the incubus." I said as I thought of something I've seen in mangas and novels.

"Princess Aurora if you willing please share your idea." Orsea said with a smile.

"We can construct long-ranged weapons that fire Area of Effect magic at enemies, which will be operated by a succubus utilizing their sexual energy, as well as a wall surrounding the empire, on which the long-ranged weapons will be placed, allowing the succubus to shoot further and cause more losses to our enemies." I said with a smile.

The Succubus in the room began to ponder if my idea would work, and they all nodded in agreement a few minutes later.

"That would work, but I'd need the weapon and wall designs from you before we can construct them." Orsea smiled happily as she spoke.

"I'm fine with that." I said with a smile.

"I'm now finished, so if anyone would like to ask questions then please ask away." Orsea said with a smile.

No one asked any questions since all of the questions had already been answered, so everyone remained silent as Orsea bowed towards Asmodeus before walking to her seat and taking a seat.

Other people got up and began talking, which was a little boring, so I sat there and watched them talk about their topic while trying not to show that I was bored.

"You seem bored, exactly like me, but where did you get the idea of the weapons and the wall from?" Amia inquired, her face puzzled.

"It was just something I read during my time on Earth." I stated it with a smile on my face.

"It makes sense that you acquired it from Earth, but earth seems to have a lot of fascinating qualities with monsters now conquering it." Amia smiled as she said.

"How did you know monsters had invaded it?" I was startled that someone from another globe was aware of it, so I inquired.

"It's a little secret, so I won't be telling you." Amia proceeded to caress and tease my body, making it extremely sensitive.

"Fi…mmmmhhg." I said as I suppressed the sound of my moan by keeping my mouth shut.

Soon after, the last person completed speaking about their pre-war situation and concerns.

"This gathering has now concluded, and the maids will lead you to your respective rooms." As everyone rose and bowed to her, Asmodeus replied with a smile.

Maids walked into the gathering room and began escorting the guests to their respective rooms.