11 Months

(A/N: I changed the quest to prevent Aergia from being lazy for an hour, instead of coercing her not to.) (S/N: I think this volume will be short as there isn't much to do in this world.)

10 months passed.

During this time, Aurora and Amia had to wake up every single day and make breakfast for Aergia, deliver the breakfast to her, wash and dry the dirty dishes; wash, fold, and iron clothing; take out the garbage and recycling; tidy up all the rooms; hunt the lazy cows outside of the palace for food; drag the dead cows to the kitchen; cut them up and store their meat away; and anything else you could think of.

Now to the present,

Aurora was lying on the bed with a sheer barrier beneath her, constructed from dream manipulation that would prevent the adverse effects of the bed.

'11 months. It's been eleven long months, but all this time, we didn't even get a chance to even talk to Aergia with all this stalk piled work that never ends.'

And if Aurora or Amia tried attacking the maids, the attack would slow down to that of a snail's pace, making the entire attempt at lashing out pointless.

Amia, who lay next to Aurora naked, brushing her breasts against Aurora's back, asked. "What are we going to do? I don't want to be a maid for eternity, especially with the other maids leaving all their work to us."

Aurora stayed silent in thought for a few minutes before turning her head to look at Amia. "The only thing we can do is not do the chores given to us, and try to coerce Aergia instead."

"Okay, since we will have more time, then we can have sex more often." Amia said as lust filled her eyes.

With the maids giving both Aurora and Amia all the work, they barely had time to have sex, meaning they didn't get much life force energy, which is their food supply.

When a succubus hasn't had life force energy for too long, then they'll lust take over, becoming a mindless succubi who rapes anything that has an ounce of life force within them, until they are dry.

But once they reach this state, there's a chance they'll never come back, and they'll stay mindless succubi for eternity.

Knock!, knock! The signature knock of the head maid was heard at the door.

"Come in."

The head maid opened the door, holding a small stack of papers in her hand. "The palace needs to be repaired. Here is the list of places that need to be fixed."

She set them on the desk near the window and left, closing the door behind her exactly how she did every other time, three to five times a day.

"Does she not even care that we're naked with me brushing my breasts against your back?" Amia asked after the head maid closed the door.

"She's a sluggish puppet, making her not care about anything besides giving us our work." Aurora responded.

"It does seem like it."

Meanwhile, outside the door, the head maid was clenching her fist tightly, prompting blood to flow out from it.

'Why aren't those two dressed and ready to work? As newly hired maids, their duty is to do all the work for us, while we can just relax in peace, sometimes even watching them struggle during their chores.

'But right now, they are both naked lying on their beds, with even one of them brushing her large breasts against the other.' Without realizing it, a sin she had never felt before, jealousy, filled her heart. (A/N: The world is based off of one sin, but the inhabitants can still have the other sins, with the sin belonging to the world's sin being stronger than the others.)

She walked away, trying to suppress the feeling of jealousy taking over her mind, and headed back to her room to laze around like before.