Inferno Empress, Enya

'They must be magic variants since they didn't die after I decapitated them.' Aurora thought.

A few years before Aurora turned 15, she would watch the news, read articles, etc., on adventures since her dream was to be an adventurer. She remembered this one interview with an S-Rank Adventure talking about an S-Rank quest.

Unlike the ranks below S-Rank quest, where the monsters are only of the beast variant who either have characteristics of the animals that once lived on Earth or mythical beasts from the myths, there was a second variant called the magic variant. The monsters of the magical variant were either monsters who embodied an element or monsters with human-like physical bodies made for that element.

The main difference between the two variants was that the magic variants couldn't be killed by normal means, such as decapitation of the head. Instead, they could only be killed by destroying the magic core hidden within them.

Aurora conjured five needles in both hands and threw them at the five areas of both of them: the head, feet, and hands.

*Bzzt! With five points connected in both of them, lighting bolts went chaotic between the five needles, hitting their cores, their bodies turning into lava rock, leaving a core behind that should have been destroyed.

'After destroying their core, it kills them while repairing their core to be used by the one who killed them. Odd, but I don't mind.' She picked up the two lava cores and placed them in her dream space.

After she finished, she continued down the path and ran into more Inferno girls. She threw ten needles at them, killing them, before taking their cores. She did this for the next hour, making her eat further down the path, deeper into the volcano, where the temperature began to rise with every step.

As she kept killing the Inferno Girls, she figured out ways to kill them without having to use the needles. All she had to do was unleash a chaotic form of energy into their bodies, and it would take care of the rest.

She reached the end of the path that led down the inside of the volcano, coming to a flat area where there were bridges of lava rock with pools of lava separating the bridges. It was like a city that was built within a volcano.

Sensing danger from behind her, she leaned forward, as flame arrows flew over her, making the temperature grow a bit above her before returning to normal.

She took a step forward, appearing behind the inferno girl who shot the arrows and stabbed her demonic dagger into the base of her neck. The dagger sent a strong pulse of electricity through her body, which destroyed its core.

'Since I'm now S-Rank, A-Rank monsters are no match, making this seem easy, but I'm hoping that the Inferno empress gives me a challenge.' Aurora thought, storing away the lava core and continuing on her path.


Deeper within the volcano, sat a woman that had the same skin tone, eye color, and hair color as the inferno girls, but what differentiated them the most was that she was a grown woman, with an hourglass figure, as her curves and proportions were just right. She was none other than the Inferno Empress, Enya, who ruled the south, residing in her volcanic palace.

She could sense an intruder within her volcanic palace, but every time she sent inferno girls to deal with the intruder, they were killed quickly, with the intruder killing faster and faster each time.

Enya looked at one of the inferno girls within her throne room. "Stella, gather an army of soldiers, and eliminate the threat."

"Yes, my empress." Stella bowed and left the throne room to go follow orders.

Enya knew that if they didn't kill the intruder as quickly as possible with all the power they had, then they'd be massacred without having a chance to resist.

'Why do I feel this uneasiness in my heart?' Enya asked herself, a worried look appearing in her eyes.

As Enya thought this, Stella had gathered 1,100 soldiers, with 600 already dead, and tens being killed by the minute.

They wore armor that was stolen from human adventures, which they used to protect their bodies, mainly their core, as their physical stats along with their inferno magic were enhanced with the small boost granted by the fire element armor.