Encounter With a Darkling (2)

Iris stilled and tried to sense if there were any darklings hiding near her, but there was none. Was it a wolf or a darkling that was waiting for the right chance to ambush her? After all, Chrysanthe once told her and Amelia that high ranking darklings were able to hide their presence at will, so Iris didn't dare to lower her guard.

The growling sound was heard again. It sounded like it was annoyed and in pain at the same time and Iris had no idea how she knew. Her legs trembled, but instead of running back to the safety of her home, she chose to see what kind of creature was making that sound.

If it was a wolf that came down from the mountain and left its pack, Iris could take its fur and sell it for a high price at the town square. She remembered that Ren might need some funds to travel to the capital if he was able to pass the scholarship examination.

However, if it was a darkling, then Iris should start running for her life now. Even if the said darkling was injured, there was no telling whether it was capable of killing her in one blow or not.

She had her dagger concealed on her right leg and she only had five arrows in her quiver. If it was indeed a darkling, she couldn't possibly kill it without facing any punishment from the rulers of Asnar.

Wasn't it ironic? Iris thought. If she killed a darkling, there was no doubt that she would be severely punished, and yet the darklings were free to roam the borders and kill humans like they were stepping on ants.

The rulers of this kingdom despised humans with magic, but feared the darklings. Iris was still confused as to why the current king and his predecessors hated humans born with magic. There must be a reason why they insisted on annihilating her kind.

She shouldn't get closer to the clearing, but her curiosity got the best of her. Iris didn't think she could leave without knowing what it was. Heck, she knew she was being careless, but she made a mental note to leave at once if it was a darkling.

Her heart pounded faster in her chest, and she wondered if the creature was able to hear her creeping closer. Was it too injured, or was it strong enough to attack her? Iris knew that her mere presence was enough to put the creature in defense mode, and it would undoubtedly deem her as a threat.

However, the moment she reached the clearing, she was surprised to see a humongous white wolf at the center of it. Its fur was white, as white as pure snow.

It was obviously not a wolf. Iris thought.

It was a darkling.

No normal wolf could grow as tall higher than a tree. Even its paws were large enough to inflict pain on a human. She wouldn't stand a chance at all if it attacked her from where she was hiding.

She should be running by now, but seeing its crimson blood tainting its majestic snow white furr, Iris halted her steps. It let out a low growl again and opened its eyes, staring at her direction and bared its sharp fangs at her, snarling as a warning for her not to get closer to it.

Iris held her breath as her gaze met its cerulean blue eyes. She had never seen such a beautiful eye color on an animal. It looked at her with awareness and intelligence that didn't usually belong to normal animals.

'Silly. It's because it's not an animal, but a darkling.' Iris corrected herself.

The darkling tried to stand up on its own, but before it could move from its place, it collapsed on the ground.

Yes. Ground. Because, like the scenery Iris found earlier, the trees and grasses that were supposed to be covering the clearing were no more. She wasn't sure if this was the darkling responsible for it, or was it the other darkling it fought yesterday.

From what she could see, there was a deep gash starting from its right shoulder, running down through its chest. It seemed to her that a sharp blade was used to inflict this injury, given how clean the cut was.

Iris knew she should leave and take advantage of the fact that it was gravely injured and wasn't able to attack her in its current state. However, as she stared at the darkling, she realized she couldn't leave it like this.

She decided to come closer, treading carefully as she paid attention to the darkling.

The darkling growled again. When she opened her mouth to say something, it snapped at her, a sign that it wanted her to remain silent.

"I can help you." Iris said, ignoring the warning of the darkling.

"I'm not asking anything in return, but just let me be safe. I came here to find my ring that I lost yesterday." She continued, frowning when she realized that she hadn't found it yet, and she couldn't return home empty-handed.

Iris wouldn't be able to face her mother and let her know what she had done to their family heirloom. She was planning to hand it over to Ren in the future, since she doubted that she would have a family of her own and she didn't have the heart to keep it to herself if that happens.

"I can help you if you would allow me." Iris repeated herself as she treaded carefully towards the humongous white wolf. "Please let me help you, in return, please let me live. I promise I won't return and disturb you ever again."

Why was she bargaining with the wolf like this anyway? Iris thought. She must be either really brave or extremely foolish to speak to the injured darkling like this.

The white wolf remained still and stared at her for a long moment, until it slowly ceased its growling and lowered its head, allowing her to get closer.