Blood of the Golden Mermaid (2)

"Eating the flesh of a mermaid was said to be able to make a human immortal. Is this true?" She couldn't help but ask. "Would their blood be enough to help relieve Iris' pain?"

Amelia had heard rumors about the supposed immortality that came with consuming mermaid flesh, but she couldn't help but question its validity. The risks seemed far too great for such a slim chance at eternal life.

"I haven't seen or encountered a mermaid yet, so I don't know how to answer your question." The young demon answered before glancing at Killian.

The Night King looked bored. Looking at him, Amelia was reminded of when they knew him as Marcus Ashwood. He seemed to be more optimistic and energetic back then. But now, his weariness was evident in his eyes. She wondered which side was true—the side of Marcus Ashwood, the optimistic and energetic individual, or the side of the Night King, who appeared bored and weary. It was difficult to determine which version of him was true.