
"What are you talking about?" I yelled at him at top of my tongue

"You must be insane talking about all this nonsense. You even know what you are saying? I know that you are shocked by the death of your daughter but at least you can be in your right minds and accept it."

"I know that what I said must've have sounded insane to you, but it is true. A time machine really do exist."

"So you are telling me that the thing the scientist want to build form a very long time is actually built by a bunch of amateurs."

"It was not, it is still there in London"

"All the people who worked on it are dead, I was the only who was able to survive. All the people who made the time machine suddenly started disappearing but before dying the head of the department came to me, gave me the key and said that take it with you. It will be safer this way. But never did I knew that it'll become the most precious thing in my life. It is like it was just made for me. Now, you and I can really save her-"

"Shut up"


"Hey old man I know that you are devastated by the news of losing your daughter but that doesn't mean that you will start talking non sense. I mean who will even believe what you are saying."

"Wait for a minute"

After that the old man left for minute, while I was agitated at thought of all this. Then after some time he came back with a watch in his hand and showed it to me. I looked at the watched it looked like something that was made around 18th century. I just couldn't think of how something so precious can be there. But then he said-

"It's a time machine."

"What? What are you saying?"

"Well it's more like a time leaping machine. Well do you know what a time leap is right?"

"Wait what do you mean it's a time machine?"

"It was one of the first prototypes of the machine but the only thing is that it can only be used twice and you can only go five minutes back in time."

"Wait, what are you talking about? How is that even possible?"

"Just trust me and push that red button for once and you will soon realize everything."

As I looked at him I don't know what happened to me but I just trusted him and decided to push the button. And suddenly everything around me started changing. It was as if I was standing in front of the cosmos and watching something beautiful. But then it came to stop. And the first that I heard from grandpa was-

"Wait for a minute."

Then I just couldn't resist and grabbed his hand and said-

"I trust you grandpa, I trust you, I believe everything you said. And I promise you that no matter what happens I will bring your child and my wife back to life no matter what it takes."

Then I decided to move to London and find the time machine. Although grandpa said that it will be a bit dangerous so I should take help from someone. But how would I tell him that no one would believe except me. It took around seven days for me to plan everything and get on a mission to start my journey to find the time machine and bring back her to life.

The time machine being under the big ben what an irony. That old man didn't say that the security here would be automatically hard. It was a very basic plan to get into the tower but it was the hardest part to execute. Ten guards guarding outside and ten inside. The moon at that night was so bright that I could have declared it a sun. I decided to create a diversion, I lighted four firecrackers in four different directions. And all of them decided to part ways as expected but the only thing that I didn't calculate was the possibility of the backup. I started running inside and threw five or six smoke grenades.

They were all confused and running I all directions while I was hiding behind a pillar waiting for them to go outside and it did happen. After that they decided to move outside after someone gave them some kind of signal. And this was the opportunity I was looking for. As soon as they left, I started running towards the clock room. I came inside and for the first time I saw what a mighty mechanism is inside the building. After that inside there was a switch that I turned and bam. The next thing I knew I saw the whole world turning around. The thing that I saw before me was a huge room. There was huge machine with at least one person to fit in. I decided to walk into the room. But somehow it felt familiar. It was like I had been in this room before I was just not quite able to put my finger on what it was. As I walked through the door some memories of people following me and trying to kill me appeared but I was somehow able to get out of there. I went inside the room and saw a capsule that I fit inside the machine and then there was a suit so I decided to wait for it to wear. Then I set the date to the date where everything was going to happen.

Then suddenly I heard something or rather should I say someone. I quickly started doing and everything and went inside the machine. Then I saw someone, a figure of a woman standing there, saying this was the only way to fix everything. I am sorry Harry.