Chapter 12 [ The End of the world - 10 ]

The main purpose of Lin Meng in entering the mountain was this plant. As long as Lei Yi touched a little bit of it...

However, her luck was not so good this time, and she didn't see the dandelion until she returned to the team.

Seeing Lin Meng coming back following behind Lei Yi, everyone's complexion changed drastically, especially Zhao Xianxian and Lin Feng. Why did Lei Yi leave suddenly? Did he go looking for Lin Meng on purpose? The mountain was so big, how did he know where she was?

Lu Yiming's eyes flashed, and then asked calmly, "Do you need to rest for a while?"

"No, let's go down the mountain before it gets dark!" Lei Yi said in a deep voice, without meaning to give any explanation.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Meng and narrowed his eyes dangerously. What did she mean? Does she fancy the captain?

Lin Feng was silent for a rare moment. Although he was following behind Lin Meng, he didn't say a word. This scared Lin Meng so much that she kept turning to look back frequently like a frightened little rabbit, the fear in her eyes growing deeper and deeper.

Lei Yi paused in his steps. He was silent for a while before calling Lin Feng aside, "She is timid, so don't scare her. No one is going to rob her from you. Can't you be more patient?"

Lei Yi expressed his attitude in a few words, and Lin Feng immediately revealed a smile. He thought that the captain had discovered her secret too, but it didn't seem to be the case!

Lin Feng still had a smile on his face when he returned to the team, he also intentionally didn't approach Lin Meng. Knowing that Lei Yi's words had worked, Lin Meng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng and Lin Meng were relieved, but Zhao Xianxian was not feeling good. Originally, she had unilaterally fought a cold war with Lei Yi, but she had been angry for half a day and Lei Yi didn't notice at all. Zhao Xianxian couldn't help but look at Lin Meng, her gaze growing increasingly cold.

Lin Meng naturally felt Zhao Xianxian's malice. Maybe because the woman had started too high, she was too proud, so she never bothered to conceal her emotions and thoughts. Zhao XianXian might think of herself as an unpretentious meat, but in fact, hehe!

Just when the few people were more than halfway through, a deep and dense forest appeared in front of them. According to the map, they can get out of the mountain after passing through this forest.

Lin Meng stopped abruptly, she had a bad feeling.

"What's wrong?" seeing that Lin Meng's facial expression was not looking good, Lin Feng asked quickly.

"I-I'm a little scared." Lin Meng hesitated, using the word scared instead of "have a bad feeling."

Sure enough, the word "scared" angered Zhao Xianxian, who was already angry. Why was this woman so pretentious?! "Scared! What's there to be scared of a forest!" Zhao Xianxian's tone was very bad, she really doesn't like Lin Meng's pretentious appearance.

Seeing that Zhao Xianxian was angry, Lin Meng hurriedly explained in a panic "I said the wrong thing, I have a bad feeling!"

"You have a bad feeling, then we have to make a detour? Don't forget, we never wanted to go this way in the first place, if it weren't for you making troubles, how could we have come here!" Zhao Xianxian was not stupid, she knew to put all the blame on Lin Meng. And there was nothing wrong with what she said. Why should they go back now that they have come this far?

"I-" Lin Meng was a little anxious, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves and said, "Because my supernatural ability is relatively weak, my ability to perceive danger is stronger than the average person, and it is precisely because of this that I have escaped death several times."

This was the art of speaking. If Lin Meng had said the three sentences in the reverse order, the six people who have always been cautious will naturally not mess around, but she just preferred to say it the other way around.