Chapter 62 A New Species

Seeing the needle and syringe, Evelyn recoiled and jumped back in a panic.

She had been subjected to all manner of experiments back when she was held hostage by humans, and numerous times they stuck her with syringes and either took her blood or injected her with weird substances.

It was a very traumatic for her, and just seeing one of the items that had tormented her for weeks, was enough to send her into a panic attack.

Turning around she moved to fly away, wanting nothing more than to escape from something that brought about a great sense of fear in her.

Yet before she could even get off the ground, Melisandre put a hand on her shoulder which only made her feel even more afraid as she felt herself being restrained.

"Stop panicking. No one is going to hurt you; you just need give a bit of your blood in order to test your bloodline and what magical affinities you have. Just calm down and push past what has happened to you."