Chapter 90 Gathering Healing Item Ingredients

After dealing with the first of the large snapping turtles that were inhabiting the pond for of soothing lily pads Evelyn quickly got to work on the next two.

While they were more cautious after their friend had been killed by her, they did not possess very high levels of intelligence and when Evelyn started stealing the lily pads, they had no recourse but to attack.

Unfortunately for them, this led to the same outcome as their friend, and they were floated up into the air where Evelyn first cooked them before dropping them from a few hundred feet and allowing gravity to finish them off.

'Whew the biggest one with the spikey shell gave me a bit of trouble with those blasts of water, but it was nothing I could not deal with.' Evelyn thought as she watched the final turtle crash into the ground and quickly expire.