Chapter 156 Stalling


As the giant plant woman peeled back the pod she had been within, she let out an earthshaking yawn.

This simple act held behind it more power than Evelyn had ever seen as waves of magical energy came off of this creature and created the same force as a hurricane.

'Damn it!'

Being assaulted by the waves of energy Evelyn along with what remained of her squad had trouble staying airborne and Braulia, Rehni, and Bylur, were even swept away and smashed into the ground.

Eventually, the waves of magical energy started to settle down as the monstrous plant woman stopped yawning.

However, this only made the situation far more frightening, as Evelyn could fell a terror she had not experienced since her escape from the human's laboratory. Absolute helplessness.

She could fell that there was nothing she could do against this entity.

'There is no way. We cannot even hope to run from that thing.'