Chapter 161 The Price for Power Beyond One’s Limit

Seeing her body with cracks running all over it, Evelyn let out a panicked scream.

But no noise seemed to come out of her mouth, and when she realized that while she looked broken, it was not like she was feeling any pain.

'This is just a dream.' Evelyn eventually told herself to calm down.

However, a creeping feeling that this was much more than that.

She then remembered another dream she had recently where there were numerous mechanisms that she needed to fix, and afterwards the Aethersphere had unlocked a new power.

'This place is different and for some reason I am in my human form, but it feels similar to the previous time.'

Looking around Evelyn tried to make sense of what was going on, to see if this dream truly did have any meaning. But all around her was just empty space and dark blue swirling energy.

'Perhaps I am meant to do something with it?'