Chapter 182 The Bottom of the Gorge

Upon her awakening Evelyn found that there were no noticeable signs that any other beasts had come by and let out a sigh of relief.

'This place is fairly well hidden, and now that I have taken out its previous own it is empty and ripe for the taking. I suppose that is will do excellently for my base of operations while I hunt and gather in the gorge.' 

Evelyn having had a peaceful rest in the hidden cave decided to make it her home during her time in the Elmot gorge.

It was not easily found, and in this dangerous place she was likely to find no better place to rest.

Once she had finished eating some breakfast, she went about preening her feathers and making sure her body was clean and in working order.

'I have finished up my morning routine and seem to be in good shape. Time to get back out there and see what I can rustle up.'

Carefully Evelyn exited the cave hidden by vines and scanned her surrounding in all direction.