Chapter 196 The Burrowing Owl’s Request

Evelyn looked on with a flabbergasted expression as the tiny mid-tier awakened rank owl bowed its head to her.

It had said something about wanting her help, but she was not really sure what was going on and wondered if this was some type of trap.

But as she expected the tiny owl to attack her, or possibly for some allies to jump her, nothing happened.

The small owl just kept its head bowed against the ground in a pose that could only be considered the height of groveling.

"What is it that you want me to help you with?" Evelyn eventually asked using wind magic to create a voice.

Upon hearing her speak the prostrating tiny owl showed visible relief and began telling Evelyn of its plight.

As it went on Evelyn only became more and more annoyed.

Frankly she did not care that his flock of burrowing owls had been kicked out of their ancestral home by a group of ospreys, which were a type of hawk.