Chapter 247 Those with Malice

'That should do it.' Evelyn thought with a satisfied expression on her face.

Standing at the front of her store in the Alchemy Hall, Evelyn turned her head from side to side and checked over the product on each of the shelves.

Today was her first day back in over a month and she wanted to make sure that everything was well stocked and ready for her regular customers.

'I have more in my storage cuff if I run out of the more common items. I just have to hope things like my tar do not sell out since what is on the shelves is all I have except for three bottles I have made for myself.' Evelyn thought as she took up the counter and waited for the hall to open.

When it did the usual mass of owls flew in and began heading to the favorite shops.

Alchemical items were always in hot demand and every owl worth anything had at least a few on them at all times in case of emergency.