Chapter 315 Blitz Attack (2)

'She really got me.' Evelyn thought, her vision completely blocked by flames.

She had fallen into her enemy's trap when she thought she had won. A normally fatal mistake.

If Evelyn had not already stacked the battle in her favor by fighting an opponent that used fire magic, she very easily could have made a fatal mistake.

Thankfully her heavenly flame made her immune to being burned by most other flames and even being immersed completely in fire as she was now, Evelyn was unharmed.

Still, she could not stay within the torrent of flames for too long or she would suffocate. A painful lesson she had learned when Melisandre was teaching her that there were still ways that other fire magic users could harm her.

'That woman is still being affected by my gravity magic, so I doubt she had moved far, if at all. This is the perfect opportunity to try out that attack.'