Chapter 338 Coming Back Together

With the giant six-armed wooden sentinel no longer in her way, Evelyn continued down the corridor while keeping a close eye on Rehni's location. Her job was to stay as close as possible to the entrance to the center of the maze while also being viewable on the map as a waypoint for Rehni to approach.

Of course, things did not go one hundred percent smoothly, as the maze was constantly moving around and multiple times both Rehni and Evelyn had to stop to fight powerful enemies.

'Rehni is just on the other side of this wall. Now it just comes down to if we are lucky or not.'

After reaching a dead end that was between them Evelyn and Rehni felt that their hopes were dashed, but there was one possibility that could end up helping them.

Flapping her wings, Evelyn sent out several blades of wind towards the wall and hoped. 

'Looks like we are in luck.'