Chapter 344

After Minerva's display of overwhelming power, the attackers that had surrounded the Roost had broken their ranks and left in a temporary state of turmoil.

Of course, this had not lasted long after the four strongest individuals leading the raid had put a stop to Minerva's offensive. Still, the owls of the Roost had received the precious time that they needed to reorganize themselves and prepare a coordinated resistance against their attackers.

For the moment things were at a bit of a stalemate as both sides prepared before the fighting to start again.

'There is Melisandre.' 

Evelyn felt a sudden and massive sense of relief seeing her master perched at the top of the giant tree that housed the Alchemy Hall.

Even after being ejected from the separate domain that the Roost had been created within, the sixteen halls that stood as pillars of the Roost's power had not fallen.