Chapter 379 A Tougher Opponent

Evelyn and Krunnen continued to talk using the magical connection until Evelyn spotted something off in the distance that looked suspect.

'Damn, I can't tell if that was just a trick of the light from the constant glow that the rift emits, if it might just be a random fire, or if that flash, I just saw is an elemental.' Evelyn thought, straining her eyes to search for what just made the glow that caught her attention.

Unfortunately, with all the smoke and steam in the air, even with her impeccable eyesight as an owl and having a good vantage point several meters in the air, Evelyn could not determine exactly what it was she saw.

Nevertheless, she informed Krunnen about it to get his judgement. He was the one that had experience traversing the inferno Field and spotting the signs of fire elemental activity.