Chapter 397 Fight Fire with Fire

'That should do it.'

Once Evelyn had taken all manner of potions and pills to enhance her abilities she finally turned directly towards her attacker and charged.

So far, she had simply been dodging the six-armed fire elemental's barrage of flaming arrows, but now she was ready to counterattack.

As she approached her opponent switched up the flaming weapons in its arms into the spears, wielding one in each of its hands. Flames then erupted from the feet of the molten wolf the grand fire elemental was using as a mount and it flew to meet Evelyn head on.

Nevertheless, she did not falter and tucked in her wings and went into a full nosedive.

Bright crimson flames erupted from her body as she fell and tempestuous wind wrapped around her. With her gravity magic she increased the force on herself to the greatest degree she could, effectively increasing the speed of her decent by several times.