Chapter 435 Invitation

Two days after their arrival in the Miris Sect's Headquarters, an extravagant letter arrived for Maeve.

It had the Miris Sect's seal on it and gold leafing around the edges. Within the paper magic inscriptions had been drawn to prevent anyone but intended the recipient from opening.

When she opened it, she found that it was a letter from her Grandaunt Vivenne inviting her to a party in honor of her induction into the Sect three days from now.

Very few new members joining the Miris Sect would receive such an honor, but since her grandaunt was the second ranking member of the entire Sect and her magical abilities had reached the high tier of the mage rank, she was receiving special treatment.

This party would also serve as a way to introduce her to the rest of the core members and elders of the sect.

"But who should I bring along with me?" Maeve muttered.

The invitation stated that she could bring four guests with her.