Trina woke up to find herself in an unfamiliar room.

She had to admit the room was beautiful.

Sha threw the cover off her and put on a pink flip flop placed before her.

Trina circled around the room trying to remember what has happened.

"I met mother,we fought then....then...Asher....Am in Asher room!!".She screamed. "What to do?".She asked herself but first she had to take a shower.

It took her minutes before she was out from the bathroom,with a white robe worn over her body.

She opened the wardrobe but no single cloth.So she decided to go in search for Asher and ask for something to wear.

She nodded her head in agreement and descended to the sitting room.

She couldn't help but be amazed.

The entire house even his bathroom was like a five star hotel.'How rich is him exactly?'.She wondered.

"ASHER!!".She called but he was no where to be found in the house,she decided to check outside the house.

And there he was sitting,his back reclining against a arm chair with his eyes shut and a book placed on his chest.

Without being told one would know he was asleep.

She picked up a blanket and covered him with it and landed a warm kiss on his forehead."Thank you".

Trina had never come across someone so generous,back then he comforted her without asking,he let her cry until she soak his expensive shirt with her tears yet he still he still told her to stay there for a while.

'Which other man could be as sweet as him'.

She pull away from him,her eyes twinkling with appreciation and she ran off.

Asher eyes pop open and he chuckled."Pervert".

Asher walk down the stairs dressed in an expensive multi coloured sweater and a black trouser with a golden chain hooked round her neck."When did you get here?" He asked,running his head through his moist hair.

"A minute ago".Reuben responded while piling a spoonful of creamy chicken with pasta into his plate."Hey!Where did you wander off to....i was calling you to hand out with me".

"Some trivial matter suddenly came up late at night-".

"Asher.She called while walking down the stairs."This is so expensive".The two men both adverted their gaze to her.

And they were both dumbstruck as they gawk at her who was beautifully don in am elegant strappy casual dress that clenched tightly to her body showing off her assets with her hair neatly braided with few strings of hair left loose to define her face.

"Woww!!".Reuben broke the silence. "A trivial matter huh?".He mockingly lifted his brows at them."Am sure you enjoyed your night?".

"'s not what you think"She said turning red.'Was all Asher's friend this shameless???'.

After breakfast,the trio grabbed the backpack and head outside to the garage where Asher's cars was parked.

Asher and Reuben sat at the front seat of his Range Rover while Trina sat at the backseat.

Asher adjusted his rearview so he could take glances at her from time to time.

He turns on his car engine and drove out of his estate. Meanwhile Trina took couples of pictures of her new dress and posted it on instagram."Hey!Reuben there's gonna be a party this weekend,what do you say??".They heard Trina say.

"Hell yeah am coming".He replied sounding excited.

"Which party?I never heard that....".

Intentionally ignoring Asher,she continues."I heard the party is gonna be fun,it's at the most amazing club,can you pick me?.

Before Reuben could response,Asher interrupts."Hey!are you ignoring me?What wrong did I commit?".

"For teasing me".Sha harumph.

"When did i?".He argues.

"Alright,we're here lovebirds".Reuben said,winking at Trina through the rearview.

Asher turns off the engine and they all highlighted from the car.

"Go ahead Reuben".Asher told Reuben while checking if his car was properly locked.

Satisfied,he continued."I need to examine Trina-".

"No".She shook her head,making a face for Reuben to save her.

"No one will save you".And he took her hand in a firm clasp and walk away.

Vera squeeze her fist in anger as she watched Asher holding Trina's hand and dragging her to God's know where.

"Gosh!just look at how close Trina is to our Prince Asher and Reuben".Layla says.

"Yeah!aren't you going to do something about it?".Jodi asked,staring at Vera.

"Let her enjoy while it last cause soon i will take back what belong to me".She said with a evil smile plastered across her lips.

Asher released Trina from his grip as soon as they arrived at the school garden.

"What???".She growl.

"Why get so fierce when book is involved?".He gave her mockingly smile."Why is that?".He tilt his head her."Huh?".Earning a glare from her,he burst into laughter before saying."Let's test your capability,shall we?".

"Do I have a damn choice-".

"For a girl who stole a kiss from me,you do have a lot of guts to run that big mouth of yours".

Trina eyes widens in shock." did you know?".

"What else will be the explanation.I wasn't actually asleep,duh".He said with a bored expression.

"T..that was just a peck on the forehead.Nothing Much,nothing less".

He shrugs. "Let's begin,shall we".

And Trina responded with a simple nod.