Trina walks into the school garden which was known as the garden of Eden.It was where students in love spends their time with eachother and also hang out with friends.

She sighted Asher who was lying on one of the bench asleep with earphones plugged to his ear.

She crouch down to his level and stared at him beautiful face which she could never have enough of.

Sensing someone's presences,his eyes popped open."What are you doing?".

"".She stammer and try to stand but her legs failed her and she fell over Asher who caught her slender waist.And they were completely still with his hands which felt warm on her waist.

Realising their intimate position,Asher cheek flamed up and his hot heart was filled with unknown emotions.

"G...get up".He manage to say

" sorry".She stood up from him and looked away bashfully.

"Do you wish to continue standing or what??".He said with his sarcastic expression like what just happened never happened.

She quickly sat down next to him."So how did i do".

He heard her ask and he shook his head." failed every single one..What's really in that cute brain of yours-".

"The questions was hard,have never seen such in my entire life".She defends herself. "Do you think we're in the same level?".She stomp her boot on the ground showing how offended she was.

"Dummy".He flicks her head as she cries out."This questions you claim you never seen are high school questions,tsk,tsk".He click his tongue."Indeed we're not on the same level.What was your position while you were in high school?".

"Well".She drawl out trying to recall."Ow,i usually carry the class-".

"My goodness".He pinches the bridge of his nose."Were you sent to just torture me, i was thinking you were better than those dimwits not knowing you were the queen of them all".

Trina scowl at his statement and yanked the paper from him."Look at this?Are this questions?You better throw this away before any handsome boy picks it up and won't flirt with me again".

Asher looked at her short of words.'Does she think before she speaks'.He wondered.

"Is that all you're thinking about at this moment!Give me that!!".He got up to his feet as she does the same."Am gonna show this to all the handsome boys".He threatens,trying to get it from her but this silly girl was just too cunning."And boys don't fall for dumb girls,is either a dull boy falling for a smart girl or a smart boy falling for a smart girl too.That's how it is-".

"Oh!Oh!Oh!I didn't know Prince Asher still watch those drama,wake up boy!".And she made an escape again when he came at her and she continues. "I Trina will make a smart boy fall for me-".

"And who will that lucky guy be".He laughs at her foolishness.

"You".Only that word made his entire body go rigid.

Before he could think of a word to say,he heard her say....

"Just joking".She laugh harder."Hey!If you could see your face,hahaha,you were hilarious-".

"Give it back you bully".He chased after her and she couldn't help but giggle.

And she misses a step and was about to crash to the ground but Asher caught her in a flash and pulled her close to his hardened body as she inhale his pleasant fragrance.

"Got you".He took the paper from her.

"I know you would".She whispered, grinning from ear to ear.

They suddenly heard someone clear his throat interrupting their moment.

And it was none other than.

"A..Aiden?".And Trina broke the silence.