Asher and Trina step out of his car. They were now standing towards a gigantic building. "Welcome to Seventh Heaven restaurant" .He said with a grin on his face."Let's go in".He walked in as she follows.

This place was beyond compare. It was elegant, highly and fashionable even her family couldn't afford to eat here.

"What is this place?".She asked as he gave her a wily smile.

"A restaurant duh!where people eats-".

"Hey!you know what am talking about".He only laughed as a waiter leds them to the upper floor of the restaurant.

"What a stubborn nuisance you are-"

"And what an annoying, narcissist ,pig headed nuisance you're" .She retort back.

"I only said a word and you have said a hundred" .He said giving her an innocent look."it's a restaurant filled with happiness, elation an absence of depression where happy people come to dine, a place only millionaires and billionaires can afford" .He pull out a chair for her to sit and sat down next to her.

Trina raised a brow."What!"He snaps. She shook her head and stared at the menu.

He was behaving awfully nice which wasn't like him. He hadn't teased her,laughed at her silly mistake or how klutz she was and especially not flirting with her.He was just giving her straight answers without mocking her as always.He was unusually nice and more of a gentleman. "The upper floor is for very very special people like Asher Lee ".She rolled her eyes as she heard him clap his hands and lean back staring at the waiter beside him.

"Mr.Lee?".The waiter spoke.

"We will have two bowl of chowder and a bottle of pinot noir".

Trina nodded in agreement with Asher choice and she added."And and for desert fresh strawberry with whipped cream with a lot of cookies on the top".

The waiter looked at Asher indicating whether to follow her demand. Asher nod and he left."If you were taking me to an expensive place like this then you should've informed me so I would have dressed properly".

"You look pretty no matter what you wear-".

"Whoo!,you do like me huh?you like me".She teased as she poke him.

'Was it the right time to tell her how he really felt about her?Would she open her heart and accept him after she was hurt and betrayed by her ex-fiance'.He knew how it felt to be tricked and betrayed by the ones you love dearly and that's why he had shut his heart when it comes to love but after they met and he learns new things about her, he figured out she was the only key to his heart but she still loved Aiden. it wasn't the right time to confess or was it?.

"I do".Those words fell out from his lips before he realized. Trina frozed as she let the words sink into her brain.She wasn't expecting those words from him she was just playing around."I was just joking.come on lighten up besides I meant your personalities, I don't date dummies".His words made her heart sink despite the fact she doesn't like him.

"Yeah!of course... I...I like you as a friend and personalities too".They laughed nervously and remain silent as Asher fixed his gaze on the menu while Trina looked around stealing glances from him with every chance she had.

Asher sigh.'This was awkward'.He thought. Thankfully he had a lie to backup his confession cause he knew things would have ended badly cause in those cute eyes of herself, she was scared to love and get heartbroken.He would have to take those fear away and fill it with his love.He nodded in agreement as the waiter place their order before them and left.

"This looks so tasty".She took a spoonful of chowder into her mouth as her eyes lits up.He smiled on seeing her happy.

"Asher!!!".He heard Rose called as she made her way towards him.Asher stood up as she sprang her arms around him."It has been quite a while, don't you think".She released him and sat down so close to him."Is she your girlfriend?".Rose said with a hint of jealousy in her face

"No,no am not".Trina immediately said as heat crept up to her cheek.

"Rose meet Katina a friend of mine and Trina meet Rose a longtime family friend".Asher introduced.

Rose laughs nervously before saying."Is a good thing you aren't his girlfriend".Rose smiled and mutter a thank you as Asher passed a glass of pinot noir.

"So how is your mom?".Asked Asher.

Trina watched as they got into a animate discussion about their lifes but it was mostly the girl who chatted nonstop as she touches Asher indirectly.

'Couldn't Asher see what she was actually doing?'.

Trina frown as she fret on her food, then the desert, although it tasted bitter in her mouth she forcefully push it down her throat.

This was possibly the first time Asher had ignored her for someone else. By the look of it ,it appears that he was very very close to her.

If this pretty lady sticks herself to Asher she would have to get used to being without Asher who was a VIP in her heart.

"Take a look at you".She heard Asher chuckle.Her head suddenly jerks up to look at him,his unusual violet eyes was boring into her causing unwanted shiver to run down her spine. She was glad he was actually referring to her.

"What?".She asked puzzled.

"Sometimes I wonder if your a two year old child".He cock his head to a side,leans in and uses his thumb to brush off small amount of whipped cream that was pasted on her lips and she shivers under his touch.

Asher licks the cream on his thumb leaving the girls nonplussed. "Taste great".Trina lowered her head shielding her extremely red face with her hair.'This crazy guy will totally be the end of her'.

"I..I got to go".Rose said stuttering as she stood up.

"No hug?".He asked,She force a smile and embrace him.

"Come visit, Mother would love to see you again".She said and walk away.

"Am so jealous. You've a lot of admirers".She Said.

"Am a very popular and handsome millioniare, who wouldn't admire me".Trina rolled her eyes and said.

"Do you know that girl actually likes you and your giving her hopes that you do too by asking for a hug".

Asher laughed and stood up."Is that a green eyes I see there".He said pointing at her.

"Mr.Lee".The waiter said as Asher quick transfer the money to him.And headed to the exit door as Trina follows.

"Am not jealous".She snapped.

He shrugged."Not jealous but envious that if you know what that mean".He flick her head and open the backseat door for her instead of entering she want through the other door.

He chuckled at her childishness and entered. "Take us to my Lee enterprise".He ordered his chauffeur, who quickly nods and starts the engine and zoom off.

Ted stare around in search of Gowon.'why wasn't she here yet'.His heart sink by the thought of her not coming. He looked at the flower in his hands disappointed. "What a waste".He had spent an hour dressing, styling his hair and searching for this flower for it to all be a waste.He sigh.

"Hey!".She screamed into his ear.

He whirl back and stared at Gowon who looked beautiful as always even if she had dressed all boyish. She was still perfect,perfect for him.

"Is that for me? ".She asked pointing at the flower.He nods and handed it to her and she muttered a thank you.

They both walked inside the game center and had a lot of fun that made them squeal in excitement and their laughter filled the air.

"That was fun".Ted said as they walked out of the game center.

Gowon nods in agreement.

"You looked stressed out so I decided we should go here so you could lighten up a little".

"Thanks".He said."Why do you call me a nerd back then?".Gowon shrugged.

"Just to get on your you draw?".He nods."Can you draw a picture of me".She drawl out.

"I already did-".

"Hey!you like huh?".She nudged him beaming with smile.

"Oh please!Do you wanna come over to my house and see some of my art works especially yours?".She nodded without hesitating.

"But first let's grab some drink".She suggested and he nods in agreement.