Vera and Aiden walks out of 'The Owens Mansion'.

They suddenly halted as Vera whirl and glare at him.

"My father doesn't like you".She snaps.

"I don't care cause he doesn't know am engaged to your sorry ass!!!".

"Fuck you Aiden,fuck you!!".She tossed a file to him. "This is a huge cash to save your damn company!I also I want you to stay away from Trina!".She demanded as Aiden scoffs.

"Our arranged engagement was for you and your family to save my company nothing else!Now is done am gonna get back Trina-".

Vera grab his arm pulling him back.

"You insulted me for talking to Asher! Your such an hypocrite, a hypocrite!!!!".She roared.

"You love him don't you?Even by the way you stare at him-".

"Did you ever loved me!!".She puffed

"I liked you back then but now".He tilt his head and gave a sardonic laughter. "I don't after seeing the real you".

He was about to take a step toward when he heard the sound of glass that was smashed against the floor,he whirl and glare at Vera."Are you crazy!!!!".

"Yes!Yes I am".She picked up a piece of a glass and pointed it to her neck.

"If you take one more step without telling me you love me, am gonna KILL myself!".She declared.

"Your bluffing".

She let out a mockery laugh.

"I don't bluff".She retorts.

"Aiden" They heard Trina call staring at them.

Vera quickly hid the piece of glass behind her and slide her arms around his waist and forced a smile.

"Trina came, Father has been asking about you".She bestow a smile on her as Aiden pull her hand away.


"No goodbye kiss?".She asked to only receive a rancorous glare from him,he moved towards Trina and flashed her a warming smile and walked away.

"So you finally came".Vera laughs and walk towards her.

"Of course, why would I miss any opportunity to torment you all..Let's go in my dearest cousin".Trina bestow an innocent smile on her."Am gonna bring hell down here".She graze her by the shoulder violently causing Vera to stagger backwards.

Trina walked into the mansion as her eyes fell on her Uncle who was in his early forties nevertheless he was still looking charming with his brown hair,brown eyes,he was handsomely don in a classic red vivid tuxedos suit.

Keane looked back at her beaming but it fades away on seeing how she was dressed. He stood up ,giving her a perplexing look.'Was this really his younger brother daughter'.Why does she look lean and dressed like she was poor.

"Pumpkin".He called padding towards her.Trina looked back at him her eyes was already moist with tears.'How she wish it was her father that was also here to call her that'But wishes weren't horses.

She sprang into his open arms as Keane wrap his hands round her,caressing he back."Shush my Pumpkin".Vera glare at them,her eyes filled with resentment.

Keane let go of her and urged her to sit next to him as he ordered the house maids to bring their lunch. The Owens family ate their food quietly, after lunch, desert was served.Keane drops his cutlery and looked at everyone before he yelled. "Now we have eaten can someone explain to me why my niece is looking this way!!".He roared.

"What do you mean niece?".Vera chip in."Am also your daughter too-".

"You didn't even bother to ask how we where,are we your family, huh?Cause all you worry about is Jason's daughter!!!".Franca growl. Keane smile sardonically.

"By the look of how you're glowing I don't need to ask about you.And yes I worry about my brother,my late brother who worked hard to build all this your enjoying, who also introduce me to you?who sacrificed a lot for all for us?. So tell me why I won't take care of his only daughter!!!".He harumph.

Trina burst into a sob causing everyone to advert their attention to her."Why can't I have a normal family. First my so called family took away my fiance and my dad"s company from me to hand them over to Cousin Vera, they chase me out of my own house and then my own mother,my flesh and blood called me a psycho cause I suffered from bipolar disorder, she even laid her hand on me because of Vera. All this they did to me was because of VERA!!!".

"Katrina!!".Chloe yelled as she stood up hastily.

"Uncle you see what I mean!".She said clamorously.

Keane gave Chloe a skeptical looks before he drew Trina to his arms.

"I can't believe you could do this even if you aren't. ...."His voice trail off.


"Even if what?".Trina broke the awkward silence as she glance at everyone suspiciously.

"Nothing".Keane planted a kiss on her head that warmed her heart. "We need to talk.Chloe, Franca let's go to the study room-".

"Did you ever love me!!it was always Katrina, Katrina!!!!!".Vera screamed.

"You spoilt brat!did your mother ever teach you any manner-"

"KEANE! !!!".

"Not now Franca".He glared at her ,his eyes filled with fury." You've never been satisfied with everything you are always greedy for more, took away her company, her mother and her fiance don't you have a damn mother!What more do you,your mom and aunt want.I have made you the heiress of my company, then why the fuck did you steal her only last treasure of her father left for her. Am disappointed in you Chloe and you Vera. What are you trying to become !!!!".He scolds them.

"Why do you hate me this much??is it because your dear Pumpkin is better than me-".

"Give me a damn reason why I won't hate you after what you did to your younger Cousin!".He said and storm off as the women followed leaving Trina and Vera alone.

Vera glared at Trina who had faked a cry.

Her throat went tight with hatred,anger,spite and malignity that sting like pepper. She could feel her hand inching to slap Trina very hard across the face.

Without hesitating she strode towards her and 'SLAP'.Instead of crying Trina burst into a sardonic laughter.

Vera grimace and yanked her by the hair and tossed her to the floor.Trina fixed her gaze on her wearing an annoying grin on her face and wipe her tears."My acting was wonderful don't you think dear Cousin, I should perhaps join the entertainment industry" .She stood up and dusted her clothes. "So how does it feels to have one of your parent to hate you?".

Vera face tightened.

"Trina!!,you don't know who your actually dealing with!!".She puffs as Trina laughs.

"I know am dealing with a darned thief who stole everything from me and am hear to take it back while giving back your own share of feels good to be the villainess".Trina said.

"Enjoy it while it last just wait until I.....".Vera was cut off by an unexpected slap across her face causing her to lose her balance.

"I don't waste my precious time on thieves like you".She said.

"You can never take what belongs to me.You can't have Aunt Chloe and Aiden anymore!!".Vera retorts.Trina laughs.

"It looks like someone is starting to lose the love of her life".Trina sings.

"I and Aiden are good so am not losing him especially to you!".She gritted her teeth and stood up.

"I never mentioned names but now you mentioned it, I think by the looks of it Aiden HATES you..good luck with your dear Aiden".Trina laughter filled the air as she left.

Trina walked home faster before Asher sees her in such hideous clothes.'What if he mocks her or stop hanging with her cause of this cloths or compare to Vera'.She shook her head.

What was now wrong with her?When did Asher opinion matters to her'.Her phone vibrates in her bag,she reach into her bag and brought out her phone.

She smiled as she read the message.' MISS KATRINA, YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED TO WORK AT MHIZ LINDY SNACKS BAR. WORK START ON MONDAY AT 4PM'."I got accepted".She exclaims grinningly.

She alighted from the cab that dropped her home.She paid him and made her way towards her house.

To only find Aiden on her porch, She grimaced on seeing Aiden who was leaning on her porch.

He looked up and said."You finally came".He cracked a sad smile.