A taxi halted at the front of Trina's apartment. The backdoor of the car opens as Trina struggle to get Asher out of the cab.The taxi driver got out of his taxi and helped her to carry Asher to her porch. Trina thanked him,paid him for his services and he left.

"Trina?".Aiden called as Trina gasps in fear.

"Jesus Christ! You scared me".She said trying to catch her breath.

"Why is he here?".He asked sounding jealous.

"Quit asking questions and help me get him into my house".Aiden grumble nonstop but still helped her to bring Asher into her house and lie him on her bed."Thanks".She said, pulling off Asher's snickers. She intended to take off his shirt but Aiden decided to do that while she get the bowl of warm water and a clean small towel."I think he has a fever ".She said after bringing the bowl of water,she dip the towel into the bowl,squeeze it and place it on his forehead. "I hope he will be okay".She said melancholy. Aiden studied her for some minute.'Does she like him'.Those thoughts ponder in his head."You look hungry. Let me cook something for you to eat".He walked into the kitchen to prepare soup noodles while Trina cleaned Asher up with the towel.

"Food is ready".Aiden walked in with two bowl of noodles. He drops it on the coffee table and sat on the couch next to the table as Trina sat opposite him. Aiden smiled.Being near her brought back the feeling of heavy sweetness. "This remind me of the old times when I usually cook hot noodles especially when it's pouring. God!I missed those times".Trina only nods but she's wasn't listening instead she thought about what Asher had said an hour ago.'I think am in love with you".His words rang in her ear.Was it really true?Maybe he said it cause he was hurting? .lf he really was she could never believe it.The mighty Asher,every ladies dream was in love with her,a dummy. She still couldn't believe it but yet it flatters her heart to hear that he wouldn't force her and was willing to wait for her till her heart recovers from the heartbreak. The point was she had healed due to his friendship but she isn't ready to love again.

"Trina!".Aiden snaps,snapping her from her thoughts.


"Have been calling you for a while now and your noodles is getting soggy"He said with a hint of concern.

"Ow".She slurped a long noodles out of her soup and eat it at once."Hmm, still raining outside, I think you should stay tonight. Vera and your mom won't like to see you catch a cold".Aiden nods and smile as Trina tossed a blanket to him. She lie on the sofa and covered herself with her quilt and shut her eyes to sleep but all she could think about was the adorable boy who occupied her bed.'She wondered how she was going to face him the next day.

The next day Aiden woke up with a wide grin across his lips,he stood up and accompany Trina to prepare dinner .

A ray of light glares into Asher's eye,he groans and shield his eyes with his hands from the sun and tries to sleep back but the sound coming from the kitchen made him jolt his eyes open. He sat up and rub his sleepy eyes.'Where the heck was he'.He threw the cover off him and stood up.

"Your awake".Trina poked her head into his room."Did you sleep well?".She said in a sweet voice that made him smile sheepishly. His pathed his lips to speak but shut it and press his lips together as he was now glaring at Aiden.

"Ow!his here".He could only say."Can I use your bathroom? I need to shower.I will have to call Joey to get my clothes. Can I borrow your phone-"

"Here".Aiden handed it to him as Asher stared at him suspiciously and accepted the phone. After calling Joey, he went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Trina set three plates of pancakes, corn beef hash and bacon.

"Smells great".She heard Asher say behind her. She swallowed hard as she tries to calm her heart which was racing. He was standing so close to her that she could feel the heat radiation from him.'Am in love with you'.Those words kept ringing in her head.What was wrong with her."Am I standing too close?".His brows rose as he leans in."Hmm?".

"Haven't you heard of space!".Aiden growl. Asher laughed on seeing her flushed face.

"You need to do something with that anger of yours".Asher said to Aiden, not breaking his gaze from Trina."I got to go-".Trina held his arm stopping him from going.

"Stay and have breakfast please".She pleads her auburn eyes filled with worries. "Please?".

He grunts."Cause you pleads but you know I can't stand this jerk here-".

"Speak for yourself!".Aiden snaps. Asher sat down as she follows. The room stayed quiet while they enjoyed the well cooked breakfast.

"I will be starting my new job today".She said excitedly.

"Really!that's great,I will drop you at work".Aiden said. Trina excitement dies off as she looked at Asher expecting him to say those words instead of Aiden.'Didn't he say he liked her and would fight for her'.What was she thinking? She should be happy that he didn't actually like her cause he wasn't in his right mind. Asher forked his pancake and swallowed, empty the glass of milk and stood up.

"Thanks for the meal,I got to head over to school. Am late".He headed to the door as Trina follows. She watched as he put on his shoes,he looked up at her and smile."You look disappointed" .

"Am not! ".She dismiss his words with a puff.

"Angry".He wiggled her nose and kissed it causing her eyes to widens in shock. He lean in and whispered in her ear,his breath tickles her ear raising goosebumps all over her body."I know what I told you last night and is the truth. Am gonna fight for you and your love".He bit her ear lobes causing her to flinch a bit as a wide blush spread across her cheek."Bye".He said and walked away.

After School, Aiden dropped Trina at Mhiz Lindy snack bar,she thanked him and walked into the snacks bar. Lindy the owner gave her a tour round the bar,introduce her to her fellow colleges and instruct her on what to do around the bar ,an hour later she started her work. She somehow manage to make few money and she felt proud of herself.

This was the first time she was struggling to reach the top without anybody's help and it made her extremely happy.