"How you sure that woman you see everyday is your so called mother-".

"What?".Trina could only mutter.

She was unable to speak or react or even break away from his hard grip that was bruising her wrist.

The truth he had revealed to her made her speechless. If Asher knew about this or the whole world, she would be a laughingstock not only that she would be called a psycho and Asher would leave her for someone better.

The thought made her heart sink.

"I can't let my son be with a person like you who can't differentiate who her mother is or an insane person.You aren't worthy of my son you PSYCHOPATH!!".He raged in a furious fret and he let go of her.

Trina collapse on the floor as she clasp her hand on either side of her ear.

"Stop it please".She clamor.

"What wrong did I say?".He lowered himself to her level and tilt her chin, looking into her eyes that was fulled with tears."The truth is indeed bitter,isn't it darling".He dabs her tears but it didn't stop streaming down her eyes.

He tighten his grip on her chin that made her gasp in pain."Asher loves Alexia not a psycho and you wouldn't want me telling him your secret or do you?".


"I will take that as a no...I don't want your silly love to ruin my plans and scramble while am still nice before I tell on you".He let go of her chin.

Trina quickly stood up,grab her bag and dash out leaving Kim who was laughing like a manic.

Asher walks out from his car,still calling Trina who wasn't picking up.

'Why the heck did she call him if she wasn't going to pick up.

He grunts as the last rain before winter started pouring. He freezes as he sighted Trina who dash out of his house. "Trina?".He watched as she rigid.

She slowly whirl to him.

Tears was blurring her vision so badly that she couldn't See him but she recognize those sexy deep voice that made her shiver.

He was standing right in front of her,close enough that she could pick up his familiar scent of cologne that made her toes curls.

His right before her yet she couldn't tell him how she felt for him,that all her plans had been destroyed cause of the truths, bitter truths but what hurt the most was that he was here but she could never have him."What you doing here?I have been waiting for you at the cinema...Fuck!".He swore. "Why the heck are you crying? ".He uses his thumb to wipe off her tears. "Let me take you back to the house .It's pouring and it will soon pour heavily".He place his hand on her slender back to lead her into the house but she took a step back.

This wasn't the Trina he knew,who didn't utter a word ,who was crying her eyes out, looking vulnerable. "Are you okay?".She nods."Then what the hell is happening?it hurts me to see you this way and not do anything".

"I...I just came to find you and I remembered that you were at the cinema, am sorry,am really sorry".She broke into a sob."Me and you aren't meant together, you can't love me Asher, sorry".

"......".He didn't say a word but in those eyes that was burning into hers she could see how much he loves her.

She was about to flee but he caught her wrist." came to accept me right".He said his voice cracking. Asher could see the truth in her eye."Then accept me Trina,am all yours,you love me and I love you too,no one is able to stop us not even Vera or Aiden".

'But Kim,Alexia and her own fear will'.She wanted to yell.

"Some people can fall in love with eachother but aren't meant to be,the world isn't fair".She muttered under her breath.

"Maybe you never loved me once,your heart still ache for Aiden cause if you do,you and I will fight for what we really feel for eachother.You never fight for what you really want that's why you lost everything to Vera and that's why she stole what you treasured cause she was willing to fight and maybe she might also steal me too".He bit his lower lips, stopping himself from saying anymore words that might hurt her.

With those words she flew tearfully into the heavy rain.

Asher storm into the house but frozed as he stared around.

"Oh Asher!your back".

"What are you doing here?".He growled.

"Your girlfriend put a lot of effort in surprising you,she cooked your favourite, decorate here with colourful balloons, flowers and cards, oh look!".Kim picked up a card."You're the big bright stars in my the sky that twinkle upon me, you make my day bright.What an indirect way of expressing her love for you and she also-".Kim was cut off by a blow that got him flying to the coffee table as he scatters the glass into pieces.

Kim eyes widened by what had just happened, he touched his bloody nose."What the fuck!did you just hit me cause of that trash-".A sharp blow landed on Kim belly causing warm blood to flow from his mouth.

"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO!!!!".He growled. "What did you say that made her leave tearfully. ANSWER ME!!!".

"Am your father,Asher!!".Asher scoffs in disbelief.

"You were never one,now cut the bullshit and tell me what you told her".

"The damn truth!that she doesn't deserve you".Asher grab his collar.

"Get the fuck out of here if I ever set my eyes on you or close to Trina I will make sure those lady who warm your bed wouldn't be able to recognize you".He tossed him to the floor and ran off in search of Trina.

In Andy's grogshop, Gowon and Aiden ran towards Trina who was already drunk and was drinking her beer."Trina...what happened?did he reject you?"Gowon was the first to ask.

"Reject who?".He questioned in confusion. "Wait!was it Asher?".

Gowon grabbed the beer from her hand and glared at Aiden.

"Quit asking questions and help her up".She snaps.

"I can't have him Gowon".Trina clutch to Aiden's shirt as she sob harder."I love him so much but I can't have him cause am scared, scared he still loves Alexia, scared cause he might find out am once a psycho-".

"Once a psycho but your no more"Aiden says and lowered her into his arms and walk out as Gowon follows.

"His dad is right,am not worthy of him,I can only be his friend".She sobs harder until she fell asleep.

Gowon sigh.'Boys,she could never understand them'.Since she and Ted fought he didn't bother to call her and apologize.

She felt like love is a piece of Shit.