Katrina alighted from her bicycle and stared at her father's house.She sigh in depression.

Those words Kim said kept bothering her.'How you sure that woman you see is your mother'.After she thought about it,Kim might be right after all,the way her mother treated her and even takes Vera sides and how she kept on hurting her made her believe Kim's word.

The only way to confirm it,is to hear from the horses mouth itself .

She clench her hand tightly on her bag and pad her feet into the house.She wants to know the truth yet it scares her to figure out they all lied to her.

Trina cleared her throat getting Vera attention.

"O!Trina".Vera says with a hint of curiosity in her voice.she wondered why her dearest cousin was here."What a surprise visit".She gave a low laugh."And what are you doing here?".

"Isn't this my house?".Trina asked picking and dropping things.

"Hey!Trina you can't come here touching what isn't yours".Franca puffs,irritated by her presence.

"I didn't come here for you two,call my mother and your father".Trina replied flatly.

Vera narrowed her eyes and did what she was told.

A few minutes later,Chloe and Keane walked down the stairs astonished to see Trina.

"Trina".Keane smiled happily. "Is good to see you here".

"Me too".She returns the smile and returned to what she was silently doing.

"Trina!!!".Franca yelled and yanked the items she was picking and dropping. "Have you gone crazy?".She chuckled. "Oh!I forgot your indeed".Trina picked up a vase and slammed it on the floor and scattered into many pieces.

"What did you do that for!!!".They all yelled.

"Mad!she's mad, get out,get out".Franca shoved her towards the door as she stumbles and fell.

"Franca!".Keane scolds and ran towards Trina to help her up but she shove him away.

"I don't need your help".She said glaring at her mother. "Aren't you the one to help me to my foot huh mother?".She asked and stood up."You sit back and watch Aunt Franca beat me up without defending me, why?,you took my fiance, your husband properties that belong to me and gave it all to Vera,Vera,Vera!!!!".She raged."Are you really my mother?".Her words silence them all."Why?why you all quiet huh?".She laughed. "Maybe am right, your just an imposter- ".

"Quiet!!!".Chloe spontaneously slapped her across her face."How dare you Trina?after I raised you,care for you,feed you,bath you,shower you with love. How can you call me an imposter, you ungrateful child".She scowl at her.

Trina burst into a sardonic laughter."Raise me?care for me?feed me?".She chuckled. "When did you ever did that huh?".

Chloe jaw tightens. "You're so ungrateful,if I knew I wouldn't have agreed to the damn deal!".She scowl.

"W...what deal?".Realising her word Chloe shut her mouth."I ask you what deal!!!".She raged.

Keane sigh.

"I knew one day you will find out the truth,i'll tell you now instead of hearing from someone else lips,please sit".He requested and she obeyed.

"What deal Uncle?".She said with a hint of fear.she was scared to hear the truth.

"Vera get us a cup of tea".Vera nods and made her way to the kitchen.

"Don't do this Keane".Chloe shook her head."She can't be able to take it,please Keane".She pleads as he chuckles.

"We won't have reached this point if you had done what you were meant to do,our deal was for you to love her as your own not hurt her-".

"What the hell are you all saying!".She said infuriated."I need answers".

Vera walked in with five teacups and a teapot and filled each of them with hot chocolate.

Keane picked his teacup and sips it and made a satisfying sound.

"Do you know your mom's favourite tea is hot chocolate,mmmm?".He asked and she shook her head.

"Mom favourite is black coffee"She replied.

Keane took a deep breath and spoke.

"C.Chloe isn't your real mother".He stutters as the cup slip from Trina's hand and fell to the floor.

Vera clap her hand to her mouth shocked.

Trina was expecting this but yet she still had a little doubt that Chloe was her mother,someone she had grown up with.She still couldn't believe it.

" isn't true".She heard herself say."Chloe is my mother...s...she gave birth to me,I...I watched her grow can't be...see".She got to her foot and picked up a picture frame of her mother,wrapped in her father's arm with little Trina in her arms."See..see,mother was holding me in her arms in the hospital when she gave birth to me,she gave birth to me".She said, holding back her tears.

"S..she isn't Chloe, is Chloe's twin....Chloe twin is your real mother.....Katrina!!!!".He. screams in fright as she collapsed to the floor tearing up.

"Am fine,g...go on.what happened to my mother?".

"When you were Four years of age, your mother Avery had an accident that led her into coma, time passes yet she didn't wake up and you kept asking of her, your father had no choice but to meet Chloe who had been high over heels for him for ages and offered her a deal to take care of you,love you and act like Avery until she wakes up and Chloe would do anything for him and she obeyed so that she could be close to him but he only had eyes for you and Avery".Trina sob harder. Her heart felt heavier to hear her father was the master plan. No wonder Chloe hated her cause she had always stolen her father attention. "Don't blame your father or Chloe ok,they did it so you wouldn't have a hard time growing up without a mother, he didn't want you to end up like him and me who grew up without one,you needed a mother figure while Avery try to return from her vacation from wherever she was".Trina dismissed his comment with a scoff.

"Mother figure?".She smirk."Chloe never cared for me,she only caused me pain-".

"If I hated you,I won't be here sacrificing my entire life to care for you I sacrificed my life,to have my own child, a child I could call my own-".

"Oh!please give me a break,if you really wanted your own life and family you wouldn't have agreed, no one forced you to do what you didn't wish to do. Just admit the fact you agreed to the deal because you're in love with my father and you're so jealous cause your twin and I was the only one he cared for".Chloe slammed her hand against the table.

"Fine!I did it all for your dad cause I love him with all heart but your mother took him away from me and when I saw the opportunity to be his wife,I took it but you never let me spend time with him,I tried,I tried to love you but you always act like Avery,your personality, hair,eyes,voice,it reminded me of the betrayal she did to me.I did care for you but love no".She admitted.

"If you couldn't have me as a child then you could've loved me as your niece, if you wanted your own child you should have remarried, if you had wanted to live your own life, you should have tried to find your way after dad died, the truth is that your still in love with him that's why you can't bring yourself to love.....please forget about him and move on if you want to be really happy".Trina says."Uncle my mother still alive?".She asked.

"She still hasn't woken up from coma,I..If you're free I can take you to her".He offers.

"Please do,can we leave now?".She enquires and he nods.

She grab her bag and walk away as Keane follows.