The secret

Wang Yue who was almost inside the other world came out of her trance when her gaze went to Chen Han who was having the attack of seizure. She fisted her both hands until they pierced through her skin and drew blood out of it. 

"Princess, we need to do something for her." Xiao Muchen almost yelled at Wang Yue, "I will call the doctor." Xiao Muchen said getting up from the floor. 

Wang Yue just nodded at him and went near Chen Han and circled her arm around her petite body to control her from moving. 

"Xiao Muchen, if you have talked with a doctor, please, go inside her room and find the tablets of seizures." Wang Yue looked back at Xiao Muchen who just cut the call. "I saw a few bottles near her books on her study table. I think they are her tablets for this."