
"Your life's a few days, Wang Yue? What the hell are you talking about?" Lisa asked in a strict tone for which Wang Yue could only curse herself to no end for spilling out the truth of her life. "You are talking like your uncle has died but you too have to die the next day. Are you feeling okay, Wang Yue?" 

Wang Yue immediately closed her eyes out of the fear of getting caught and then she opened her eyes to the struggle with her heart. She turned around to lie down on the bed. She turned to her left side and pulled her knees in her stomach. She kept her phone on the speaker near her but then she just pulled her hands to wrap around herself. 

The moment of her death and then the moment she saw Xiao Muchen again in front of her eyes came to her mind, making her shiver uncontrollably. A few tear drops rolled from her face, wetting the soft pillow under her head. She was feeling overwhelmed with all the emotions.