"Zhao Nan, The Novel Protagonist" 

"But no one saw who assassinated him! I was at the market buying some materials!" 

Zhao Nan kept insisting that it wasn't him. 

"No, a disciple saw it was you who assassinated the victim. We can call the witness." 

One of the elders finally spoke up. 

Zhao Nan was caught off guard. Who is the witness? A witness of what? He wasn't even at the sect when the assassination happened! 

The elder then brought a disciple as a witness and all people there cornered Zhao Nan. 

"You will be punished! Assassinating a disciple is a heavy mistake!" 

"True! Your punishment is that your cultivation ability will be abolished!" 

Zhao Nan became mad and laughed like a maniac. In the previous life he didn't escape and kept trying to find justice for himself. 

At the end he became crippled and eventually died. 

This time he looked at the near door and window, and was planning a strategy to run away.