"Battle Demonstration" 

Second option, lured the protagonists to a secluded place, trapped them until Zhe Tian finished his meeting and let Zhe Tian executed the protagonists by himself. 

Third option, trapped them in a strong barrier and threw lots of explosives. The protagonist might get blown up to ashes. 

Fourth option, the furball could turn into a monster or beast and attack the protagonists, and kill them. 

Fifth option, make a clone of Zhe Tian and kill the protagonists. But it would look weird since the clone looked pitch black, because it was made out of the system fragments. 

And the clone wouldn't last long because it took a lot of energy to make a clone as strong as Zhe Tian. 

The furball was confused and started calculating the opportunity percentage of each option. 

Then he would use the plan that got the highest opportunity, hopefully the protagonist would be defeated.