A Bad Place

"They keep spawning!" A Hunter shouted. He noticed that the black creature kept appearing from the ground.

Even though the Hunters continued to kill them, the creatures continued to emerge from the ground. All the Hunters did was buy some time by reducing their number.

There's only one way it's plain to see. Although it's not one hundred percent certain. If they defeated the two Cambions that appeared before their eyes, it was possible that the Hunters would return to Al'Modred city.

"Everyone ready?" Rainn asked.

An answer that expressed approval came out of the mouths of Vyra, Aiden, and Vio.

"Okay. Let's go!" Rainn led them to run toward Lloyd and Don.

"Let me go." Lloyd spread one hand across Don in a gesture to tell him to stay put.

"Alright." Don just nodded curtly.

Don just stared at Lloyd whose face was now filled with vengeance. Lloyd grinned through teeth showing.