
In the Middle

When I landed it formed a huge dust cloud, and when it dissipated all I could see were the hungry faces of Imp's. They disgusted me, some of them monster like on all fours, some of them human like. But one thing was for sure, I hated them. They were all looking at me like I was some kinda snack. " Do I look like a snack now? " I said as I started letting off my aura. Some started backing off and others didn't move, that gave me a vague idea of which ones were strong and which ones weren't. After about 30 seconds of complacently one leaped at me, and in an instant I summoned my blades and cut it in half in one swift slice.

I guess that was sort of the signal for all of them to attack me, so they did from what I gathered at that pause at the beginning of the battle is that, there's at least 100 of them maybe more. But none of them were extremely powerful. I could take them all out in one go if I execute this move right. As they were running towards me I dropped my blades to the ground holding them by the chains connected to them, and then I started spinning, making a tornado like vortex, sucking up and shredding everything that walked near it. Like I said before these blades have infinite chain length so when they tried to get away I would just expand the length of the chains until their was nowhere for them to run anymore, Imp blood and guts were flying everywhere, I hated myself for enjoying it, but nothing else made me feel as blissful as the battle. After all of them were dead I realized I was covered in Imp blood. " What's going on here, who are you? " said a voice giving me a chill. I turned around quickly and leaped back because of the powerful aura. It was the Z-Rank again. No this one was different, more powerful. " Oh I see now, you have the crest. I can see it glowing even through your human gear. " " What are you? " I asked " Don't worry boy, you can let your guard down, I don't want to hurt you. " " Why don't you? " " I have no quarrels with the humans to be honest, I don't care much for the war that higher-ups are waging on you humans. " " What are you talking about? War? " I said " Ah, I guess you humans really wouldn't know huh? Well the things you call Imps are actually world conquering war-mongers, and these things you killed are nothing more than pets or ground soldiers that we send in to soften the planet up for when we the " Houses of Royalty " show up. I myself don't really know why we go planet to planet conquering but the emperor orders it so we must obey. " Thousands of questions popped in my mind. What is this thing saying right now? Eventually though after a few seconds of silence and speculation I asked it " What war are you talking about? " " Ah, well you see boy, the war I'm referring to the war we Royals have declared on the inhabitants of this planet. Prior to your kinds belief this war has been going on since what you call the medieval times. " What? Medieval times? There's no way. If that was the case then mankind should've already been exterminated. " Judging by your face I can tell you're confused. All I can really tell you right now boy is that you should trust no one else with a crest like that. Even if they're your comrades. If the curse is true, then you shall face betrayal and sorrow in the future. All for that man's vengeance. " with that being said he pulled out a sword and sliced into the air and a portal opened, and just as quick as he came he was gone. I sat there astonished and questioning my sanity. Did that really just happen? Too many things have been going on. The visions last night and now this? What was to come, and why do things seem to get grimmer and grimmer.

" RYKER! " said a furious voice, I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I forgot what I had did. " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING! " said Jeong. " I don't know. " I said blankly " I mean good job but never disobey a direct order again". " Sorry, there's a lot going on sir, I don't know what I was thinking". " Don't sweat it, your only a kid with extraordinary powers, I can't imagine what your going through. " he looked at me with sorrow, and said " I think you should take a break and try and enjoy your childhood, how does posting you in Nezbeth city sound? " he said with a solemn voice. " Why, this was literally my first mission…" I said sourly. " Yes, your first mission and you completely disobeyed every rule I laid out for you. And plus you've been through a lot this past week, I think some time posted in a city would be a nice relaxer. You're only a teenager Ryker, learn to enjoy your teenage years. When I landed it formed a huge dust cloud, and when it dissipated all I could see were the hungry faces of Imp's. They disgusted me, some of them monster like on all fours, some of them human like. But one thing was for sure, I hated them. They were all looking at me like I was some kinda snack. " Do I look like a snack now? " I said as I started letting off my aura. Some started backing off and others didn't move, that gave me a vague idea of which ones were strong and which ones weren't. After about 30 seconds of complacently one leaped at me, and in an instant I summoned my blades and cut it in half in one swift slice.

I guess that was sort of the signal for all of them to attack me, so they did from what I gathered at that pause at the beginning of the battle is that, there's at least 100 of them maybe more. But none of them were extremely powerful. I could take them all out in one go if I execute this move right. As they were running towards me I dropped my blades to the ground holding them by the chains connected to them, and then I started spinning, making a tornado like vortex, sucking up and shredding everything that walked near it. Like I said before these blades have infinite chain length so when they tried to get away I would just expand the length of the chains until their was nowhere for them to run anymore, Imp blood and guts were flying everywhere, I hated myself for enjoying it, but nothing else made me feel as blissful as the battle. After all of them were dead I realized I was covered in Imp blood. " What's going on here, who are you? " said a voice giving me a chill. I turned around quickly and leaped back because of the powerful aura. It was the Z-Rank again. No this one was different, more powerful. " Oh I see now, you have the crest. I can see it glowing even through your human gear. " " What are you? " I asked " Don't worry boy, you can let your guard down, I don't want to hurt you. " " Why don't you? " " I have no quarrels with the humans to be honest, I don't care much for the war that higher-ups are waging on you humans. " " What are you talking about? War? " I said " Ah, I guess you humans really wouldn't know huh? Well the things you call Imps are actually world conquering war-mongers, and these things you killed are nothing more than pets or ground soldiers that we send in to soften the planet up for when we the " Houses of Royalty " show up. I myself don't really know why we go planet to planet conquering but the emperor orders it so we must obey. " Thousands of questions popped in my mind. What is this thing saying right now? Eventually though after a few seconds of silence and speculation I asked it " What war are you talking about? " " Ah, well you see boy, the war I'm referring to the war we Royals have declared on the inhabitants of this planet. Prior to your kinds belief this war has been going on since what you call the medieval times. " What? Medieval times? There's no way. If that was the case then mankind should've already been exterminated. " Judging by your face I can tell you're confused. All I can really tell you right now boy is that you should trust no one else with a crest like that. Even if they're your comrades. If the curse is true, then you shall face betrayal and sorrow in the future. All for that man's vengeance. " with that being said he pulled out a sword and sliced into the air and a portal opened, and just as quick as he came he was gone. I sat there astonished and questioning my sanity. Did that really just happen? Too many things have been going on. The visions last night and now this? What was to come, and why do things seem to get grimmer and grimmer.

" RYKER! " said a furious voice, I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I forgot what I had did. " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING! " said Jeong. " I don't know. " I said blankly " I mean good job but never disobey a direct order again". " Sorry, there's a lot going on sir, I don't know what I was thinking". " Don't sweat it, your only a kid with extraordinary powers, I can't imagine what your going through. " he looked at me with sorrow, and said " I think you should take a break and try and enjoy your childhood, how does posting you in Nezbeth city sound? " he said with a solemn voice. " Why, this was literally my first mission…" I said sourly. " Yes, your first mission and you completely disobeyed every rule I laid out for you. And plus you've been through a lot this past week, I think some time posted in a city would be a nice relaxer. You're only a teenager Ryker, learn to enjoy your teenage years.