I'm Fu Tinghao

Tang Wan was sitting by the window sill of her private ward. She had a full view of the other patients on the field behind the hospital. Some were strolling while some were relaxing on the evenly cut lawn.

She stared at them blankly, her round face pale and sorrowful. However, she was calm and quiet. At that moment, it was clear that she was sane.

Something Fu Tinghao noticed the moment he entered the hospital room.

The man was putting on a simple black-sleeved shirt and dark blue pants. His onyx-colored eyes immediately fell on her petite figure as he shut the door quietly behind him. Surprise flashed through his eyes fleetingly as he approached her with slow and steady steps.

The scent of his cologne immediately pervaded Tang Wan's nose as he approached her. Her clear eyes were also fixated on him unblinkingly.

Tang Wan glanced at the shut door as he approached. No one had ever entered the room except her attending doctors. The appearance of an unknown man made her heart beat rise. Her slender fingers tightened on the pajamas she was putting on as she gripped the cloth tightly.

Fu Tinghao's gaze stopped on her hand which held the cloth for a moment and he halted his steps immediately. He could see that she was defensive. So, he stood a few feet away from her.

Their gazes met. Both were silent and unreadable. Both were assessing each other silently. It was only after a few minutes had passed did the staring contest finally broke and Tang Wan relaxed.

She leaned back onto the wall, loosening her tight grip on the pajamas. This action of hers also made Fu Tinghao relax. He pulled a chair and sat under her watchful eyes.

"Hello, Miss Tang," Fu Tinghao said with a smile. But, she merely stared at him without replying. The look in her eyes told the man that she was still cautious. She was only quietly biding her time. Waiting for him to make a move that would make her uncomfortable.

So he continued, no longer caring whether she replied. "How are you feeling today?"

She didn't reply. His gaze raked over her, slow but measuring. "It seems you're much better today."

Probably, he felt uncomfortable sitting down directly in front of her. Or, he felt that standing would make her understand even more.

Regardless of which, he stood up calmly and fixated his hands in his pockets. There were already tiny stretches of creases on his trousers from sitting down.

He walked steadily towards her and with each step he took, Tang Wan felt a slight sense of panic building up inside her. Stopping right in front of her, the man leaned down slowly. His gaze was fixated on her, unblinkingly and his tall frame loomed over her like a shadow.

Tang Wan was unable to concentrate. She could feel his warm breath. She heard his voice. But, she was unable to decipher them. The way he met her gaze, trapping her inside like a maze.

His onyx eyes were calm like breeze but penetrating. Hypnotizing. As though, he could see through her. The man was attractive. But, she didn't have the time to appreciate his looks. She was trying hard not to scream in panic.

He probably didn't notice how uncomfortable she felt. Or, chose to ignore it.

Of course, Fu Tinghao took notice of her inner turmoil. But, he decided to ignore it. He wanted her to get used to other people intruding on her personal space.

But, it was evident that she had lost the ability to place her trust in anyone. It seemed her sense of security had suffered even more than he expected.

His lips continued to move and it was then his words finally registered in her brain. He said, "I'm sure you know you're not currently feeling well."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "That's why you're here; away from others. But, I can help you. I can help you feel better. So, you can leave this place."

When he saw that she still didn't say a word, he stood up and looked at her. "Don't you want to be reborn? You can start afresh. You're still young. You shouldn't waste your life like this."

His words sunk in. The intensity of the underlying meaning woke her up from her haze. It was as though she had just woken up from a daze. Her breathing became heavier and she clenched her fingers subconsciously.

She understood his words. She had always known. She had always been aware that she had been abandoned. That she was trapped inside this place. But, she didn't dare to believe it. She chose to act as though she had no idea. It was as though it would all go away if she didn't care.

But, his words immediately ripped the pretense away. It displayed cold reality right in front of her face. It made her unable to lie to herself anymore.

She couldn't deny the aftermath of whatever happened during her frequent episodes. Events she wouldn't remember whenever she was sane. But, she couldn't deny how frequently she saw the staff of the hospital leaping away with fear on their faces whenever they passed by her ward. Or, the danger stamps stuck on top of her door.

She wanted to be fine too. But, she was filled with uncertainty. Her confidence had been stepped on countless times and she didn't dare to rely on others.

She didn't dare to trust. But, she wanted to take the risk. She wanted to try her luck.

She lifted her head and looked at him. He was now standing at the other end of the room leaning against the transparent window. His arms were folded and his expression was calm and serene as though he had been waiting for her to think things through.

"Who are you?" she asked.

He revealed a smile, his thin lips curling slightly and revealing a set of even white teeth. "I'm Fu Tinghao." He paused for a moment, digging his hand in his right pocket, and retrieved two plastic cards. "I'm a doctor."