She Also Had Hope For Herself

The next day…

Tang Wan stood at the door of the medical laboratory with furrowed brows. She had just finished bathing when a doctor appeared in her ward apparently to tell her that she was to undergo some tests.

That was why she found herself standing at the door of the lab in confusion.

She turned to look at the man. "Sorry, may I ask if Dr. Fu is aware that I'm here."

The man smiled sheepishly. "Of course. He's the one in charge of your treatment. He's already on his way here."

"Okay," Tang Wan replied, obviously relieved. She decided to sit and wait for him. But, she had barely settled down on the bench when he appeared at the end of the hallway.. His assistant, Li Jun was beside him.

Tang Wan's eyes instantly lit up and she stood up. "Dr. Fu."

"Miss Tang," the man replied the moment he reached her. He glanced at the doctor beside her. "Dr. Yu, is everything ready?"

The man referred to as Dr. Yu immediately nodded. He turned the door knob of the laboratory and gestured for them to come in. "Yes, everything is ready. Come in, director. Dr. Ou is already waiting for us."

Fu Tinghao nodded in understanding and led Tang Wan inside the lab. The moment they entered, they saw a woman seated by a lab bench. The woman was middle aged and she was also putting on a pair of glasses.

When she saw them entering, she immediately stood up with a smile. She said to Fu Tinghao. "Tinghao, you're here."

Fu Tinghao immediately approached her. "Aunty Ou." He glanced at the time on his wristwatch. "We should get started."


Tang Wan was led into a screen by Dr. Ou and she could only see Fu Tinghao where he sat through the transparent panel. He could see her too, for he nodded at her.

After a long time, Dr. Ou stepped out with Tang Wan tailing behind her. Fu Tinghao immediately said to Li Jun. "Take Miss Tang to eat and rest. I'll be there soon."

Li Jun immediately nodded and led Tang Wan out of the laboratory.

After they left, Fu Tinghao turned to Dr. Ou. "How is it?"

Dr. Ou shook her head. "I've run CBC[1] and CMP[2] tests for her. Including Thyroid panel and urine test." She was currently washing her hands with disinfectant. "But from my observation, it's what we predicted. It's best you run CT or MRI scan on her."

Fu Tinghao breathed out. Dr. Ou looked at him. She wasn't sure if he was relieved or more worried.

Tang Wan's ward…

Fu Tinghao settled down on the single sofa in the ward and placed the file in his hands on the table. He smiled at the young woman seated opposite him. "Miss Tang, how has your day been?"

Tang Wan stared at the man's handsome face, her gaze inadvertently running over the perfect outline of his face. She smiled back. "Good."

"That's good to hear," Fu Tinghao replied. He clasped his hands, his gaze turning serious. "I called you over to discuss your treatment plan."

"Treatment plan?"

"Hm." The man replied. "Your test results just arrived. According to your medical report and the results from the brain imaging test you did…"

Tang Wan coughed. "Sorry, what?"

"Ah.." Fu Tinghao replied, realizing that she wouldn't understand his terms. "I apologize. I mean from the tests you did, it's been determined that you're suffering from mania."


"Although, there are no diagnosis tests for mania, we ran those tests on you to check if there any other basic causes and to rule out any other conditions. After all, your symptoms may be due to some other medical infection."

He sat up. "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do," Tang Wan replied.

Fu Tinghao nodded. "I'll be fully in charge of your treatment for now on. Although, I'll employ some medical treatment, my main focus will be on your psychological health. So, your medications will only be minimum. So, you should be prepared for times when you might undergo therapy."


"I hope you don't feel burdened, Miss Tang," He said, while standing up. " I'll do my best in making sure you're fine."

Tang Wan smiled. "Alright, doctor. Thank you."

"Get some rest. We'll begin your treatment tomorrow."

Afterwards, the man left and only Tang Wan was left in the ward. She leaned back onto the bed and closed her eyes, breathing out. Then, she smiled.

She also had hope for herself.


"Miss Tang. Miss Tang," Tang Wan heard a distant voice calling her in her sleep. She felt a hand shake her lightly and the voice calling her sounded even clearer. It was a male voice.

Her eyes flipped open and a familiar handsome face came into view. She sat up immediately. "Dr. Fu."

Fu Tinghao's tensed face instantly relaxed when she woke up. He stood up straight as though, it wasn't him who had been leaning in panic earlier. "I've been trying to wake you up for some time."

"Oh. Sorry. It's been so long I slept so soundly," Tang Wan replied.

Fu Tinghao smiled like the gentleman he was and placed some folded clothes on the bed beside her.

"Get dressed. We're going for a morning run."

"Huh?" Tang Wan blurted out in disbelief. "A run?"

She looked out through the window. It was still dawn.

The man probably knew what she was thinking because he lifted his wrist and checked his wristwatch. "A few minutes before 7am." He glanced at the clothes still in her hand. "I'll be waiting outside."

Then, he turned and walked out of the ward. Tang Wan sighed – when had she ever woken up so early in the morning? She got changed into the sportswear he brought.

When she stepped out of the door, she saw the man leaning on a wall in the hallway. He lifted his gaze and looked at her when he heard the sound of the door closing.

He lifted himself off the wall. "You're done?"


"Let's go then."

The duo left the ward and stepped out into the open space of the psychiatry department. Although, it was still morning, there were already lots of people walking down the hallway.