The rain fell for a long time and by the time it stopped pouring, the ground was already soaked with water. Only a few drops of water dropped occasionally from the top of the roofs and chimney tips. There was a cool sensation in the air due to the rain.
After some time, the door that led to the rooftop opened and a middle-aged woman stepped in. She was the cleaning lady of the company, Madam Fang. She had come to the rooftop to pull out the knob that connected the rooftop to the draining system so that the rain from earlier would be drained.
She didn't immediately notice anything strange in the surroundings and went about her duties, occasionally complaining about how much residual water was left on the ground.
But, just as she turned to put the knob back in its place, she caught sight of the hooded figure lying on the floor motionlessly. It was already getting dark and the only light on the rooftop was directed at him.