Chen Mian

Tang Wan turned the pages of the files in from of her and bookmarked one of them. She dropped the pen in her hand in the pen holder.

Then, she placed her hands on the table and stretched tiredly. She cranked her hands and neck which were stiff due to sitting for a long time before stepping away from the desk.

Then, she walked to the dispenser which was placed in a corner of the room. She placed a cup at the tap and turned it on. Cold water flowed into the transparent disposable cup and was soon filled.

Afterward, she grabbed it and downed it in one go. After disposing of the cup in the trash bin, she turned to look at the wall clock elegantly resting at an adjacent end of the room.

It was 7 pm and was time to get off work.

She returned to her desk and logged off her computer. Afterward, she arranged the files on her table into a cabinet and locked them up.