
Oriental Restaurant...

"Mr. Wen, this script is nice and attractive." The man said as he placed the script on the table after going through it.

Then, he looked at Tang Wan and Wen Quan who were seated across from him. Both of them were also staring at him waiting for him to speak.

The man was the second person they had met that day in a bid to get investment for the production of their movie. They had met up at the restaurant and after some persuasion, the man agreed to take a look at their script.

The man leaned back onto the chair. His expression was strict and the aura of a businessman was not lost on him.

Then, he added to his initial words, "But, it's a huge risk. I can't take such a risk. Moreover, this kind of genre is not popular this year at all. The audience is mostly watching urban romance. It would be especially hard to make decent box office sales."

Of course, Tang Wan was aware of that.