• • • • • •
Nova had been unconscious for an unknown amount of time. It was as if he had been sleeping for a long time. However, one must eventually awaken from their slumber. And his time had come.
When Nova awoke, he felt a variety of emotions. One of those would be utter confusion. He wasn't going to lie to himself, he knew what he had done and was sure he died. If that's the case, how was he awake or even alive at the time? He had always assumed that there would be nothing at the end of the road. Nova had never believed in God or places like heaven or hell.
He had always thought that there was nothing after death. No reincarnation, no pearly gates, no man with red horns ready to judge you and decide what circle of hell you stay on, nothing like that. It's why he wanted to live a fulfilling life, so he wouldn't have any regrets when he died. And he really didn't.
Nova had one main priority after reawakening. That was to discover where he was, what was happening, and why it was all happening. Information was something he valued above many things; without knowing what is going on, he doesn't know how to proceed.
Neo opened his eyes to find his vision engulfed in a bright light, but it didn't bother him for some reason.
'Strange, I'm sure my eyes didn't have time to adjust.' He frowned slightly and felt something under him. Grass? He was certain it was grass. Neo sat up and looked around; it was grass, as he had suspected. It's pretty hard to mistake freaking grass.
It felt nice, though, the grass all around him was leveled, as if it had been cut recently. Nova looked around and saw nothing but a grass field that seemed to go on forever. The sky was blue, with no clouds in sight, and the sun was shining down on him.
He was well aware that he should be freaking out, but he just couldn't. The sight was truly soothing. He wished he had taken more time to enjoy the sights on Earth. This was obviously not Earth. He stood up almost immediately, realizing what had happened.
His body felt strange, very strange. Nova felt stronger and full of energy. He used to be six feet tall, but now, he is only five feet eight inches. His hair was black, almost brown in some places, with dark cyan streaks throughout his hair. Blue, cyan, and yellow were the colors of his eyes. He appeared to be in his late teens at the most.
To say his appearance was unnatural would be an understatement, but that wasn't on his wish list right now.
"Now it's time to figure out where I am–"
"Nova, come on. We are inside of my domain, have forgotten then that?" A feminine voice called out from behind Nova.
Neo took a slow look behind him. For the first time in a long time he was genuinely startled by something. When he awoke, he was certain he had scanned the entire area. He knows for a fact that he would have noticed a damn person in the field.
One part of his mind was telling him that he simply hadn't looked properly. Another told him that this mysterious person had just appeared out of nowhere. Nova was a logical thinker, so he didn't believe either of them.
He was met with a pair of bright pink eyes when he turned around. It was a girl, five foot six inches tall, with long black hair that reached her ankles. She appeared to be in the same age as Nova in his current state.
Nova wasn't one to fall for someone else's beauty, but he couldn't deny that she was stunning. If you will, call it otherworldly. He even coughed himself staring, which was unusual for him because he had always assumed he wasn't attached to anyone. But this just set all of those thoughts on fire.
"It's impolite to stare." She stated that she was sitting on the glass.
"Sorry, I think?." Nova said as she turned around. "Can I ask you ask you a question–what was your name?"
"Haa~. You've truly forgotten, but that's okay! My name is Virya, no last name, that's reserved. And you're probably wondering why you've ended up here."
"Well! It's simple really: you are creation or reality if we are being specific."
Nova turned around to face this girl he hadn't even known for a full minute yet. "What?" He was completely, absolutely, positivity, and utterly confused as to what she has just said. He was either bad at understanding or she was bad at explaining things. In any case, he was still confused.
Virya paused for a second, tilting her head. "Oh, I apologize for that. To put it another way, you are Reality Itself. You are a soulless being who is literally everything and nothing all at once."
"Oh, I see." NOPE! "I'm still perplexed." Nova stated that she was sitting on the grass. He crossed his legs and stared at Virya. "Let's break this down, shall we? You saying I'm everything?"
"And nothing?"
"At the same time?"
"Ding ding ding!"
Nova nodded and shifted his gaze away. "This woman is clearly insane." He muttered something. "I need to get away from her and figure out what's going on."
"Hey! I'm not insane, and I'm not joking. Uhm. I know, I'll tell you how you were created! There were two beings prior to the formation of reality. The Void was one, and The Origin, or God, or the First, or whatever you want to call him, was another. Origin decided to create reality in the hopes of finding some entertainment, but when he did so, you were born.
"You are a Manifestation of Creation that not even the Origin can destroy. Even if there is so much as a coin floating within the endless void, you will exist. I'm not even supposed to tell you this just yet." Virya groaned.
Nova frowned as she turned to face her. "How can I be sure you're telling the truth?"
"Why would I deceive you? I have nothing to gain by lying about something like this."
Nova had to admit that she had a valid point. Unless she enjoys messing with people or wants to use him in some way, lying to him won't gain her anywhere. "How can I believe you?"
"I am your first creation, simple."
"Like my daughter?"
"No! That's weird! If you want to know the truth, then go through those doors." Virya pointed to a newly appeared set of metal doors. Nova returned her gaze to the doors. He couldn't help but sigh; he didn't have anything to lose at that point.
• • •
After Nova found himself in a nearly void-like space after walking through the doors. Nothing was there, no light, nothing to stand on, nothing. He was just floating there; the space must have had air because he was clearly breathing but no gravity. Neo sighed, knowing that he would most likely spend the rest of eternity floating in the middle of nothingness.
He realized he shouldn't have trusted the crazy girl. He let his guard down for a split second, and this is what happened. But, if his hunch is correct, she is most likely a very powerful person.
His thoughts abruptly came to an end when he heard a voice.
"Greetings, Nova." The voice sounded almost identical to his, and it came from all around him.
"You probably have a lot of questions, but they'll be answered in time. If you haven't noticed, I am you, and this is just a recording. What Virya has told you is true. You are one of the three original beings, but that will be revealed later. I can't tell you much because I want you to discover it on your own.
"I know that I'm just throwing you into this with little information, but that's simply how things go sometimes. I know you enjoy learning new things and exploring, because that is how I am. So go out there and adventure. You can trust Virya; she is restrained from telling you certain things because I have asked her to. So go ahead and do whatever you want. And remember, NEVER!! Get on Void's bad side, and you'll know when it's time."
"Wait just one minute! If we're the same person, then why was I on Earth to begin with?!" Neo yelled into the night, but nothing happened. Nothing but silence. He clenched his teeth. "Bullshit! I refuse to believe that some supposedly all-powerful being left something as a simple recording!"
There was nothing but silence once more. Fortunately, it didn't last long.
"Haha. As expected, as paranoid as ever."
"Huh?" For a brief moment, Neo was at a loss for words, but what happened next rendered him even more speechless. He felt as if he was falling, and falling fast. Everything around him was changing at a rapid pace. He looked on as the dark abyss gave way to a night sky filled with stars and a moon shining down on him.
"Ugh!" He grunted as he landed on something rasher soft, the impact didn't match up with the fall in the least. He felt something soft and cold beneath him, turning his head quickly, Neo saw snow. A field of snow, lots of snow. He seemed to stretch on forever, much like the previous field.
'What's the deal with these people and fields? Goddamn it, pick another landscape.' Nova sat up and shook his head, causing snow to fly off his hair. His brow furrowed at the fact that he didn't even feel all that cold.
"We do like our fields, but I'll switch it up if you want." The previous voice said.
Neo looked around and saw massive mountains forming in the distance all around him. They stretched far into the sky, when they stopped, snow formed on their peaks followed by entire forests growing within seconds.
Neo deadpanned. The guy was probably just trying to show off or something "Did you really just create a freaking mountain because I complained?"
"Yeah! I need to show you how strong we are, and it took me no effort at all to do this. And I'm only a sliver of your past consciousness."
Golden lights appeared all over the field before gathering and forming into something humanoid in front of Nova. It had no skin or clothes, just a golden light in the shape of a human and a pair of eyes that matched Neo's. Neo could just barely make out a faint outline of his mouth.
They sighed and took a seat in front of Neo. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me."
"Yes." Nova quickly responded.
"Understandable. I can't answer all of them, but I can give you some general information. First, why you were on Earth. That's because we wanted to explore creation, which we couldn't do if we knew everything there was to know."
"Do you really know, EVERYTHING?"
"We, we are the same person. Just with different information. As for your question, yes. So, we reincarnated onto Earth with the intention of you living a normal life there before Virya took you to her domain and directed you to me. I am nothing more than a past consciousness. When you leave this place, I will completely fade, erasing all of our previous knowledge. That is, unless you regain your former strength, which you will if nothing is done in the next thousand years."
"You do realize this is a lot of information to take in?" Nova stated. He wasn't lying when he said this was a lot of information.
"Yes, I am aware. That is why I am simply transporting you to a random world with Virya." They smiled and rose to their feet.
"Wait a minute, what—"
"Don't worry, I'll give you a few gifts since I'm so kind and great and amazing. And there's no need to be concerned about danger because neither you nor Virya can die. Virya is one of your most powerful and loyal servants, and if you die, you will simply reappear a second later."
"You can't just–"
"So, see you later! AGAIN, DON'T MESS WITH VOID! You'll recognize her when you see her. Your abilities are still present; you simply need to relearn them. There's your gift."
Nova looked down and saw a pair of black glasses, along with a dark cyan pen, as well as a book with a green cover and white pages. Looking up, Neo noticed the man smiling at him.
"Best of luck~."
"You cu–."
• • •
Nova grunted as he fell to the ground for the second time today. He sat up, panting heavily, and looked around. The items were still in his hands, but he wasn't looking at them. When he looked to the side, he noticed Virya lying next to him. She rubbed her head a little.
"Ow, why did that hurt? Am I not meant to be hella strong-oh! Hello, Nova! How was your chat with your former self?!" She sat up and moved very close to him. Nova leaned back and ignored her completely.
They were deep in the heart of a lush green forest. He noticed many tall trees surrounding them, the sky was blue with many clouds.
Virya pouted at Nova. He wasn't paying any attention to her, at all. She grabbed his hand, causing some of the objects in his hands to fall to the ground. She waved his arm around.
"Don't ignore me! I deserve attention after watching over you for over twenty-five years! Do you think just because you are a being of absolute power, knowledge, wisdom, attractiveness, and charisma-."
Nova simply stopped listening to her rambling when she began to list all the things he was good at. When he felt a piece of paper in his hand that wasn't being waved around by Virya, Neo hummed. He raised it and read what was inside.
[Did I mention that Virya, in addition to being your first servant, is also your biggest fan? *Gasp!* I didn't make her that way, just so you know; she developed those feelings after spending literally hundreds of years with you. You know, feelings are bound to develop in that time. So, best of luck with that. Goodbye. This time I'm really gone.]
"This, bitch."
• • • • • •